Wicked Release

Free Wicked Release by R. G. Alexander

Book: Wicked Release by R. G. Alexander Read Free Book Online
Authors: R. G. Alexander
Tags: General Fiction
she’d spend the rest of her days with Lorie and Con, healing the people who needed help. Living her life.
    “I’m here,” Harrison came striding around the corner, her long legs eating up the distance between them. “Sorry I’m late, but I’m in a dirty tunnel under the city. In my new shoes.”
    Sarah smiled at Harrison’s wrinkled nose. “I didn’t know anyone lived here anymore.”
    Con lifted a golden brown eyebrow. “Anymore?”
    “There were always those elements who preferred to live away from humanity instead of beside it. Or those who wished to avoid Magian law.” Sarah looked around at the water-soaked walls. “The tunnels have been restored, but they’ve been here for as long as I remember. There was an orphanage my grandmother and I used to visit. They always needed more growers and healers.”
    Harrison nodded. “Tucker knows about this place, too. In fact, he admitted something to me I’m not sure Jacob is going to forgive him for anytime soon.”
    Sarah tensed at the mention of Jacob Gryffin’s name, but Lorie’s hand squeezed hers and she took a deep, calming breath. “What did he say?”
    “Jacob’s sister, Leah, is here. Instead of visiting friends, which was what she told him she was doing, she volunteered to spy on our perp.”
    Sarah made a face. “Our perp?”
    Con winked. “The bad guy with the book. But it couldn’t have been about that, right? We just found out about it ourselves.”
    Harrison nodded. “Exactly. Tucker says he shouldn’t be violent, he just sells things that don’t belong to him. But Leah’s mother did business with him from time to time, and he knows her. She came to him with something she needed to sell. Fast and quiet.”
    Lorie whistled. “Are Jacob and Tucker going to have a problem?”
    “Not if I can help it.” Harrison rubbed her temple. “Jacob’s protective, you know how he is, but Leah is literally a fireball. And she’s got something to prove these days.” She opened one grey eye and looked directly at Sarah. “Something about clearing up the family name.”
    Sarah lowered her chin, studying her already scuffed shoes. “So where this guy? What’s his name?”
    “Get this,” She lowered her voice. “Maris. His name is Winston ‘Winnie’ Maris .”
    “Shit.” Con studied Sarah, his expression mirroring Harrison’s. “You don’t have to do this, you know. We can get the book without you.”
    Her grandmother had never raised her to believe in coincidence. After all these years, the same families that had started this were still right in the middle of everything. The Abbotts, the Gryffins and one slimy, underhanded Maris. The only one missing was Aaron. One way or another, they would find their answers. And then all those silent dead who’d been forgotten could be at peace.
    “You can’t get rid of me, Conway,” She let Lorie’s hand go and crossed her arms stubbornly. “We do this together. You promised.”
    “Hell, I did, didn’t I?” He didn’t look happy about it, but he grabbed her arms and tugged her closer. “This love stuff is harder than it looks.”
    She gasped in surprise and he took that opportunity to kiss her. Right there in front of Harrison, Lorie, and any underground resident who happened to pass by.
    “Okay, you two.” Harrison snapped her fingers. “Cursed book to steal. Criminal to catch. Sister-in-law to save from clutches of evil man with a stupid name.”
    Lorie laughed. “Sounds like we have our hands full. Can’t wait.”
    Sarah leaned back in Con’s embrace and noticed his sister’s narrowed gaze. Specifically when it turned on her. “What have you done with my brother?” Harrison demanded. “He’s never been the adventure type.”
    Sarah winked. “You’d be surprised.”
    “No I wouldn’t, because you’re never going to tell me. Believe me there is such a thing as oversharing. My best friend married my other two brothers—a girl can only take so much.” Harrison shook her

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