Bad Girls Do: a Billionare Romance Novel (The Everly Brothers Series, Erotic Romance Book 3)
give you a tour.” He motioned toward the corridor leading away from the conference room and, when she turned, rested his hand on the small of her back and guided her in that direction.
    “What if someone sees us?” she whispered. “Your brother?”
    But Sam only shrugged, as if he didn’t care what Andrew thought. As if this situation were perfectly normal.
    He stopped to snag them a couple glasses of champagne from a passing waiter and to offer his thanks to several business acquaintances that congratulated him on the expansion. If anyone thought it was weird that Diane was disappearing with Sam, they didn’t say anything. But then, a lot of these people probably didn’t even know she and Andrew had dated. Lord knows she’d never been excited enough about their relationship to talk about it.
    Finally, they made it past the crowd of people milling about outside the conference room and into the quieter corridor.
    Sam’s hand fell away from her back and he lifted the glass in his other hand for a sip. “The executive offices are down this way.”
    Curiosity prompted her to say, “So you have an office here? I was under the impression you didn’t come into work often.”
    He gave her a wicked grin. “I don’t. Only when one of my brothers manages to guilt me into it. Which isn’t often.”
    Sam stopped in front of a set of dark wooden doors and turned the knob, motioning for her to enter. As she stepped inside, the voice of a man filtered out from deeper inside the room. She exchanged a curious glance with Sam, who looked as confused as she did. But then his expression cleared and he turned toward the large mahogany desk set in front of the large windows at the far end of the room.
    A man in an elegant suit sat in the chair at the desk, his back turned to them so that he faced the windows with their impressive skyline view. He clutched a bottle of amber liquid in one hand while talking and laughing into the phone.
    “I thought you were going to bring the whiskey back to the conference room,” Sam said dryly to the man.
    The man gave a start and spun in the chair to face them. That was when she recognized who it was: Zach Beringer, Zoey’s brother.
    His eyes widened as he took note of her presence and he murmured into the phone, “Let me call you back later.”
    Her shoulders ached to bow forward, like that would hide her from Zach’s curious gaze, but she forced herself to stand straight, as if she didn’t have a care in the world.
    Zach stood and schooled his features into a quirky grin. “Sorry. Got distracted by the view.”
    When his eyes wandered to Sam’s, Diane could all but read his expression. He wanted to know what she was doing here.
    Well, at least that answered one of her questions: whether Sam had been bragging to his friends about what had happened between the two of them.
    Zach cleared his throat and lifted the bottle in his hand. “Did you want some?”
    Sam shook his head. “I think Zoey does. She’s back in the conference room.”
    Understanding dawned on Zach’s face, and this time, Diane couldn’t stop the heat that crept to her cheeks. What did Zach think she and Sam were going to do in here?
    Even more importantly, was he right about it?
    “Well, um.” Zach coughed into his fist. “I’d better get this to her. You know how psycho Zoey gets without her liquor.”
    With those words, he beat a hasty path to the door, exchanging a loaded glance with Sam on his way past. It was so quick she would have missed it had she not been looking for it.
    Her stomach gave an anxious flip.
    Oh god . She’d never known the Beringers to be gossipy like some of the Manhattan elite could be, but she still couldn’t help but worry.
    Then Zach was gone, the door shutting behind him with a firm click. The cavernous room suddenly felt too small with her and Sam in it.
    Fighting her spate of nerves, Diane ambled through the room, examining its contents. Sam’s artwork covered the walls;

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