Seducing My Best Friend (Fated #3)

Free Seducing My Best Friend (Fated #3) by Hazel Kelly

Book: Seducing My Best Friend (Fated #3) by Hazel Kelly Read Free Book Online
Authors: Hazel Kelly
in the door and looked up.
    Fiona burst in with a red nose, her eyes puffy from crying.
    “Oh my god- are you okay?”
    She shook her head.
    I backed away from the flowers and walked around the counter.
“What’s wrong?”
    She tried to speak, but her lips just shook as she wrapped her
arms around me and cried against my neck.
    I placed a hand on her head and held her tight. “Fiona, talk to
me. What’s going on?”
    “I didn’t know what else to do. I just reacted.”
    I couldn’t even understand her as she hiccupped between breaths.
“Shhh. Calm down. Take a deep breath.” I turned her towards the sofa. “Sit.”
    She slumped on the couch and put her head in her hands. “I
fucked up, Lucy. I fucked up big, and now I’m totally fucked.”
    I rubbed her back. “What happened?”
    “I got fired,” she said, bursting into tears again.
    “What?! How?”
    “Chuck. He fired me.”
    “Why would he do that?” I asked.
    “Cause I kneed him in the balls.”
    “Why would you do that?”
    “Cause he grabbed me. He grabbed me and he tried to grope my
    “Fuck.” My eyes started to burn.
    “So I reacted,” she said, leaning forward. “I’m so sorry I-“
    “You have nothing to be sorry about. Look at me.”
    She stared at me through puffy eyes.
    “Nothing. Okay? You did the right thing.”
    “But now I’m unemployed. How am I going to pay my share of the
    “Don’t worry about that,” I said. “I have plenty of savings.”
    “The savings are for your salon.”
    “And emergencies. Like this.”
    She leaned against my shoulder.
    “Why were you even alone with him? I thought we agreed not to be
    “I was only going to be alone with him for two seconds, and Katie
had a date so I let her go.”
    I shook my head. “Jesus.”
    “I know.”
    “Did you call the police?”
    “Why not?”
    “Cause I was too busy telling Chuck what a spineless, dickless
bastard he was while he writhed on the floor holding his nuts.”
    I couldn’t help but smile. “Really?”
    She nodded.
    “I think we should call the police or get some legal advice or
    “I just lost my job. I can’t afford legal advice.”
    “It doesn’t matter. We can’t afford to let him get away with
    “I know. All the way home I just kept thinking what if it was
    “To be honest, that almost would’ve been better cause she’s only
    “I’m just saying.”
    “I know, but still.”
    “We’re going to get this guy,” I said. “We have to.”

Chapter 14:
    It made me sick to think I hadn’t been kissing her
all these years, and my groin ached over what I’d been missing out on.
    At least I was kissing her now. Well, not right
now… fucking Fiona.
    But that’s okay. The important thing was that
things were great and that I would be seeing her soon.
    I threw my car into my space and jogged across the
street to pick up some milk and eggs, the only two foods I couldn’t live
without besides protein shakes, and headed back towards my building.
    The phone rang when I was half way across the
    “Miss me already, do ya?” I said without looking
at the caller id.
    “I don’t even want to know,” Claire said.
    I winced. “Damn it. I thought you were someone
    “I think that goes without saying. You sounded
even more smug than usual.”
    “My bad. What’s up?”
    “I just wanted to know if you had any good news
for me.”
    “Well, I haven’t decided not to humiliate you in
your speech if that’s what you’re asking.”
    “No,” she said. “I knew better than to hope for
    “In that case, you’ll be pleased to know that Lucy
said yes.”
    “That’s wonderful news.”
    “So please call off the dogs.”
    “Will do. I have to call her back anyway.”
    I lingered outside the door of my

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