The Drifting

Free The Drifting by L. Filloon

Book: The Drifting by L. Filloon Read Free Book Online
Authors: L. Filloon
chin she says determinedly, “I will marry you, Tharin.  I will do what I have to do to save your realm, but I have three conditions and I know you’ll honor them.  The first, I want to set my brother’s soul free from this Demus place.  I want you to help me get this Falsad to release his body.  I can’t do it alone, so I need your help.
    “Second, I want to be there when you kill Harlu.  It’s his fault my brother is dead.”  She chokes back a sob, but she goes on, determined that I hear her demands. 
    “And last, when all is done, when we do what we have to do to save Velesi, I want to go home.  I don’t belong here, Tharin.  There’s nothing here for me.”  She’s quiet for a moment and I can see she’s thinking about her next words.  “Velesi will be saved and you will be free to be with Kalis.  I know that she’s the real reason why you didn’t tell me of Lucas’ death.  I know what I am to you…I’m a means to an end.”
    She stands for a minute looking about, not knowing I’m standing only inches from her.  “I want to go home, Tharin…where I belong.”  With one last look, she turns and walks away without a backward glance.
    What just happened?  Damn it!  What the hell just happened?  I’m stunned and for a moment I’m at a lost on what to do next.  Frustration eats at my chest and I feel my anger rising.   
    “Hmmm.  I’m guessing you had planned for that to go a little differently, huh?”
    I turn to find Ziri leaning up against the kavi trunk.  He’s far enough around it that Lily wouldn’t have seen him there, but she was close enough for him to hear everything she had to say.  I give him a hard look and in return he gives me a cocky grin.
    “I don’t know,” he continues lifting his hands.  “The world must be coming to an end if the great Tharin Lunar is not only turned away by a woman, but by his own betrothed, future queen of Velesi.”  The mocking laughter behind his words chips at me, but I turn back to look after Lily.
    Ziri walks up to stand beside me also looking after Lily.  He takes an exaggerated sigh, “Don’t worry, Tharin.  I’ll keep a good eye on her.  I mean, what’s not to look at, right?”
    I continue to ignore him, thinking about what Lily said.  She said Lucas told her that she needs to go through with the wedding.  Did she mean to say Sema wanted her to go through with the wedding?  That’s probably who she meant. After all, she’s in shock over Lucas’ death. 
    I mentally kick myself…I should have told her sooner, about everything.  My feelings for her, about Kalis, about Lucas, Julia…
    Julia.  I moan inwardly.  If I could feel the kavi tree I would bang my head against it.  Everything that has to do with Lily just keeps piling up.  Once Lily finds out what I’m putting Julia through for Lily’s sake, she’s going to kill me.
    Everything that’s happened has finally taken its toll on Lily .  I need to give her some space, let her work through her loss.  Not that I have any choice thanks to Ka.  Stubbornly, I make up my mind that I would be here for her .  I don’t care what the old elf said. 
    Her last request weighs heaviest on my mind.  She wants to go home.  But her home is with me.  She only wants to go back because she thinks I’m in love with Kalis.  I’m going to have to fix that and soon. 
    “Ziri,” I call without looking at him.  He turns to me with a raise brow and sardonic grin, “What?”
    I turn to look him in the eye, “Keep her safe.”
    Taken aback by my request, Ziri is quiet, his mocking manner gone.  After a moment, he nods.  I leave him standing there, looking after me as I call for Ka to return me to my body…and away from Lily.
    ~ * ~

Chapter Eight
    ~ Tharin ~
    We met up with Phoris, Alorn and Mellis at Mili’s place.  It was good to see both Mellis and Alorn on their feet again, thanks to the old healer.  Mili is one of the six remaining Ancients,

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