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Book: WRECKER by Sasha Gold Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sasha Gold
on either side of her, caging her. “Apology accepted.”
    She held out her hand for the remote.
    He snared her wrists in one of his hands and lifted them, pinning them over her head. “I’m driving.”
    “You didn’t tell me …”
    Her words were cut off by a tiny click. Movement against her sensitive folds made her whole body jerk with surprise.
    “Oh yeah,” he whispered.
    The vibrations on her waves of pleasure, emanating from her core and rolling through her entire body. Like waves in the ocean, the vibrator’s intensity increased and decreased in a regular, intoxicating rhythm.
    She closed her eyes and panted softly. Her body responded without any conscious thought of her own. She writhed and moaned. The sensation was both too much and not enough. She found herself lifting to her tiptoes, a reflexive attempt at escaping the torment. When she did that, she tightened her thighs and it made the sensation more intense.
    “Theo,” she whispered. “I don’t know if I can take this.”
    He said nothing and she lifted her lids to find him watching her. His eyes were dark with lust. His lips pressed together in a grim line.
    “Please,” she said.
    His response was a low growl. He lowered, sucked her nipple. The feel of his mouth and the lazy flick of his tongue across her tight nipple made her arousal climb. She gasped for breath, twisted in his hold and tugged, trying to free her wrists from his iron grip.
    The toy’s contact against her skin was velvet and gentle, and with each crest she lost a little bit of herself. Everything faded from her consciousness, everything except for the unbearable need and Theo’s words, whispered in her ear.
    “I need you.” His warm breath fanned against her skin.
    “Anything. I’ll give you anything you want.” She wasn’t sure if she’s said the words or just thought them. The butterfly’s wicked torture increased, the crests climbing higher, the strokes coming faster. Theo tightened his hold on her wrists, stretching her taut.
    Light burst behind her eyes. She arched beneath him. Pleasure exploded across her senses. She gave a keening wail as her climax gripped her. He flicked off the switch and tugged the straps from her, tossing the toy aside. She collapsed against his chest, trembling as her pleasure ebbed and receded.
    He lifted her, carrying her to the bed, where he sat down, keeping her in his arms. She kept her eyes closed, her face pressed against the hard plane of his chest. He wrapped a blanket around her. The only sound that came to her was his heartbeat. The thud against his ribs was faster than it should be and his breathing was shallow and rapid.
    “Theo,” she said quietly. “I want you.”
    “I want you too, baby. I want it all. Every bit. Your first time. Your thousandth time. Your last time. All of it.”
    He set her on the bed and got to his feet. She watched while he undressed, admiring his powerful build. His shoulders were broad, thickly banded with muscle. Biceps rippled as he tossed his boots aside.
    Her gaze drifted down his body to his erection. “Condom?”
    “I’m not on the pill or anything.”
    He went to his bedside table, tore a box open and tossed a condom on the bed. “You want to put it on me?”
    She heard the smile in his voice and noted the challenge. “Sure. I know how to do this.” She tore the condom open with her teeth and pulled it out. “I’ve done this many times.”
    She paused to see his reaction. His eyebrow raised ever so slightly.
    “Not with a real person. I got A’s on my human reproduction class back in high school.”
    He laughed softly.
    She was babbling like an idiot. That morning she’d stroked his cock, and she’d loved touching him. Now everything seemed so different. He stood a foot from her, His cock seemed so much bigger now.
    “Did you get bigger since this morning?”
    He held out his hand and she handed him the condom. With a quick motion he sheathed himself. “We’ll go

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