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Book: WRECKER by Sasha Gold Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sasha Gold
slow, baby.”
    She nodded. He prowled over the bed, nudging her back to the pillows. Lowering, he sought her lips and kissed her. His cock pressed against her entrance.
    She lifted her legs, clasping his hips with her thighs and he groaned as he pushed into her. He was barely in and already it felt unbearably tight.
    Ragged breaths tore from his lips. “Hate to hurt you.”
    “S’okay,” she murmured, but the next stroke made her take a sharp breath. She gritted her teeth and when he thrust again, she dug her fingertips into his shoulder.
    Sweat dampened his shoulders. His attempt to restrain himself made his muscles feel like iron bands beneath her fingers. His massive chest pressed against her breasts. The friction made her nipples tighten and she groaned with pleasure.
    She was panting, unable to reply. She nodded.
    A snarl threaded up his throat and for a moment she felt a wave of panic. She looked into his eyes. Dark lust mixed with need and tenderness. He pressed deeper and she bit back a cry. The stab of pain shocked her but with the next stroke it faded. His strokes were deep and even, with a rhythm that teased a response from her body. She caressed his back, tacitly encouraging him.
    “I didn’t want to hurt you,” he whispered.
    “I want it. I wanted it all along.”
    Waves of tension, excruciatingly pleasurable, built and carried her faster and faster. Small sounds came from her lips. She hardly recognized them as her own. When her climax tore a cry from her, Theo followed an instant later.
    Shockwaves flowed through her. Slowly and softly she floated back to earth and the awareness of her surroundings returned to her in small pieces.
    He turned to face her. “I hurt you?”
    “At first, a little. But it went away.”
    He got up and went to the restroom, returning a moment later with a washcloth. She tried to take it from him but he pushed her hand away. When he was done, he brought his robe out of the bathroom, motioned for her to get up and he wrapped it around her.
    Cradling her face, he lowered to brush a kiss over her lips. “That was something special, Sage. I’ve wanted you for a long time.”
    “Me too,” she whispered.
    “We’re getting married first thing. This week.”
    She smiled. “Okay.”
    “Right now I want to feed you. We’ll have a nice dinner then come back to bed. That’s what I want for this Valentine’s Day. Next year you can pick what we do.”
    “All right, Theo, I’ll hold you to it.”

Chapter 7
    Sage woke just before sunrise and found him watching her. He lay on his side, a scruffy, three-day beard making him look sexy and rough and maybe even a little dangerous. His eyes held none of that subtle threat. They were lit with warmth and it was a look she hadn’t ever seen before this weekend. She edged closer and he wrapped her in his arms.
    “I like waking up next to you,” he said. “I like sleeping with you too.”
    They lay together in silence as the dawn broke. Rose-hued light filled the room. Both dogs wandered in and stopped at edge of the bed. They rested their chins on the blanket and wagged their tails in unison.
    “This is how Tango and Charlie like to annoy me,” Theo murmured. “Watch Tango. In about one minute he’s going to make his move. It’s his inch-worm strategy of getting on the bed. He thinks if he moves slowly enough I won’t notice.”
    Charlie didn’t move, but his eyes flicked over to Tango and he whined softly.
    “Yeah, Charlie knows better. It’s Tango who doesn’t learn.”
    Tango lifted his paw and set it on the bed. He stretched forward and a moment later he lifted his other paw.
    “Aaannnd now he’ll do his army crawl,” Theo said.
    Tango inched forward on his stomach and then stopped.
    “Very stealthy,” Theo whispered.
    Sage giggled at the dog’s expression. The yearning on his face made her want to invite him the rest of the way.
    “Poor guy. He wants to snuggle.” She stroked his head.

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