Unexpected Marriage

Free Unexpected Marriage by Sheena Morrish

Book: Unexpected Marriage by Sheena Morrish Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sheena Morrish
thought about what it was she wanted.
    It may only have been three days since they married but honestly she wasn’t sure she could carry on with her life as though he had never existed, and wasn’t sure that she would want to.
    “I could try, but you have to realize that I have a life and a job.” Kaycee said wanting him to realize how important her work was to her.
    “You don’t need to work,” he answered sounding so set upon it that for a second she thought he would refuse to even listen to her.
    “I may not need to Jake, but I want to. I enjoy my job and I like knowing that I’m helping people,” she told him fiercely while her eyes flashed with emotion as she spoke.
    “And what happens if we have children?” he asked making her stomach flutter as her earlier thoughts rushed back.
    “We would decide what to do when the time came,” she answered for she barely knew what she was going to be doing tomorrow let alone in months or years.
    “Okay,” he said finally accepting that she needed a life too and Kaycee stared at him wondering if he had really agreed to her request or if she was imagining things.
    “I think we need to take a step back though Jake!” Kaycee insisted and Jake frowned at her.
    “Take a step back?” he repeated and she nodded slowly.
    “We rushed in to this Jake, we need to take a step back and get to know each other without feeling pressured in to something we’re not ready for,” Kaycee explained as she thought back to Rob and how she had known him for years and not felt ready to marry him yet she was rushing in to all that without a thought now.
    “I wonder if maybe we would be better staying apart for a few days and seeing if we still feel the same,” she suggested and he tensed.
    “No.” he refused immediately and Kaycee stared at him incredulously.
    “Just no?”
    “I think you’re right that we do need to get to know each other better but I am not convinced that staying apart is the answer,” he explained and she sighed for it was clear that they would not be seeing eye to eye on this.
    “I’m tired Jake and I’ve had enough for one day. How about we sleep apart tonight and decide what to do tomorrow?” she asked and he hesitated clearly torn before he finally nodded and turned to go.
    Following him to the door Kaycee expected him to storm out in a temper but instead he stopped and turned to her with a light smile on his lips.
    “I won’t be driven away,” he murmured an instant before he captured her lips in an evocative kiss that drove her senses wild and made her long to take the words back and ask him to stay.
    Then as suddenly as the kiss had begun it was over and he was gone leaving her to close the door and lean wearily against it more confused than ever about what it was she wanted.

    Kaycee awoke suddenly with her heart beating fast as she glanced around wondering what was making her feel so lost. Her gaze settled on the emptiness of the other side of her bed and she relaxed back with a glance at the clock.
    It was only 5am, which meant that she’d had all of two hours sleep. How was it that after three days with Jake she could barely function alone? Normally she had no trouble sleeping but tonight she’d laid there for hours trying to sleep, shifting position to get comfortable and finding that sleep was never further away and now here she was wide awake and wishing he was there beside her.
    “Dammit!” she swore as she shifted position once again but to no avail and with a growl of frustration Kaycee threw back the covers and jumped out of bed. Maybe a bit of exercise would help her relax, she decided and after dressing hurriedly she left the apartment to go for a run.
    Jake had not had a good night!
    He had decided that it would be a show of good faith for him to give his wife what she wanted but had regretted it almost immediately after leaving her. It had led to an almost sleepless night and he

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