Triple Diamonds (Mystic Nights Book 2)

Free Triple Diamonds (Mystic Nights Book 2) by MJ Nightingale

Book: Triple Diamonds (Mystic Nights Book 2) by MJ Nightingale Read Free Book Online
Authors: MJ Nightingale
Tags: Fiction, Romance
dress spring free. To touch and taste them.
    Jewel’s thoughts came into her mind like a crescendo of emotion clouded by intense desire. Could I? Should I? Then, when will I ever get this chance again? I work so hard. I’m so busy. YES! I need this. I want him. “Yes.” She was aching with desire.
    “Then let’s go,” he stated as he slid out from the bench seat taking her hand in his. He pulled her along with him not wanting to delay the inevitable any longer. He wanted to fuck her too badly to wait. The flirting was over.
    And Jewel followed him. She was ready for whatever this night could offer. Even if it was just this one night.
    Jewel had no time to think. The moment he’d opened the door to his suite, his hands were all over her body. He was walking her backwards towards his bed, and her body was on fire in anticipation.
    The lights were on low and she could see how fast they were moving. Literally and figuratively. As they passed the mirror along one wall she caught a glimpse of the two of them together. He was so large. Like a body builder, the shoulders powerful, and she looked so miniscule in comparison. He could crush her easily. But she wanted him. She wouldn’t let his size deter her. She wanted one night just to feel. Need coursed through her. It was all consuming.
    He had his hands on her hips and they were sliding higher under her dress. The moment her legs hit the back of the bed, she buckled and he pulled down her panties as she fell. It was that fast. One fluid motion. She was glad to by lying down because a wave of dizziness had overtaken her. She felt her body tremble.
    Joseph broke the kiss. He had to. Seeing her breathless in anticipation, shaking with desire with that body, he gasped just looking at her. He wanted to ravage her. All of her. Possess her. For just a moment his gaze examined her exposed pussy. Her dress had ridden up showing him what he wanted. She was slick, and bare.
    As Joseph’s eyes feasted upon her, she assumed he must have liked what he saw. She was clean down there. He let out a guttural moan. Grinning ferociously, he glanced into her eyes with flames in his own she assumed matched the fire in hers. When his head dropped, her body nearly bolted from the bed as this powerful man went down on her. His head was between her legs in a heartbeat, and his tongue dove in without a moment’s hesitation.
    Deeply. Joseph thrust his tongue inside her sweet pussy. He found her core, her clit, already excited, and began to toy with it.
    Curled over his head in a crunch, she grasped fistfuls of his hair as he licked her over and over again. The muscles in her belly contracted. The explosion that rocked her body was fast and intense. It shocked her that she had come so soon. She cried her pleasure, and screamed his name. And the intensity of it had her immediately collapsing onto the bed. Panting. Her body boneless from her quick release. No man had ever made her come so quickly.
    As she lie there trying to catch her breath, Joseph was stripping. Fast.
    With her eyes half closed, she admired this remarkably handsome man’s body. When his shirt came off, she was shocked to say the least. The man’s body was intricately tattooed, and she would have never imagined anything could look so beautiful on a man. He looked like the Algonquin warrior he was. But he didn’t give her the time to examine them more closely. He crawled up her body and helped her to sit up. Lowering the zipper of the dress, he pulled it down, and because she wasn’t wearing a bra, her breasts tumbled out to his wide eyed passionate gaze.
    His eyes feasted on those breasts. They were large, and he picked one up gently and brought it to his mouth, while he kneaded the other globe feeling its weight.
    Jewel’s hands tentatively supported his head as he suckled her. Her quenched desire began to rise once more. She glanced downward and got her first glimpse of his cock. It was large, too large, she thought, as she

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