Destine (The Watcher's Trilogy)

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Book: Destine (The Watcher's Trilogy) by Katherine Polillo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katherine Polillo
stood and stared at him . I was in awe of both his physical appearance and the words he was speaking . He had been looking for me ? Why ?
    “I appeared to your m other while she was pregnant with you, and told her that you would be special . I told her that you had a very important destiny, but I did not know truly where on earth you lived . I assumed a being of such importance would live in a great city of the past, but as with everything my father does I was surprised . Almost as surprised as I was when I discovered the boy named Michael I searched for was a girl named Michelle . Just because we reside in heaven does not mean we see all. ”
    “What are you talking about?” I finally managed to blurt out . “What destiny ? ”
    “The destiny that your m other has known about since the day of your birth , t he destiny that she has been attempting to save you from . Y ou will have to sacrifice yourself to save humanity . If you fail and all seven seals are broken it means the end of humanity and this world. ”
    “This is just a dream. I can wake up from this insanity anytime I want . I don’t believe you!”
    “Yes, this is just a dream, but you can not wake up under your own will . I am not myself in person . I thought I would better explain things this way; you cannot wake up until I allow it . My brother and I have been forbidden to interfere in your Judgment Day by our Father, but our Father also demanded we love your kind above all else and protect you . So we did, we loved you and protected your kind as our Father asked and now he asks us to watch idly as your kind is destroyed . We could not! I had to act, I had to interfere, but the conse quence of disobeying my Father wa s severe, especially for our kind . He cast me from heaven after he fo und out that I had warned your m other of your futur e, but he could not send me to h ell as he did Lucifer because my disobedience was done out of love , not envy or hatred . I was sent to Earth to live in human form , permanently stuck; not ag ing, not changing, and always remembering the glories of heaven I relinquished to help your kind . The tattoo on my back a constant reminder of the splendor I left behind . One thing I gained is what my Father valued most about your kind, free will . I cannot be controlled , I am no longer a pawn in my Father’s games, but you have free will as well . I cannot force you to meet your destiny . I can only present your path. ” He bowed slightly and began walking backwards towards the darkness .
    “Wait! I still don’t know what I’m suppose to do!” I yelled to him . As Gabriel dissipated into the darkness, a white light blazed in my peripheral vision . I turne d to see Alex C hase standing on the opposite sideline, lit as if he glowed from the inside out . I was about to ask him what he was doing here when he sneered at me , baring his teeth . The light seemed to intensify all around me and then burn out all at o nce; I was suddenly in complete darkness .
    I sat up breat hing hard, and staring into the pitch black that surrounded me. I was home, in bed, alone . My heart was racing and I was sweating, but it was only a dream . I glanc ed at the clock and it read four a . m . How could that be ? I was only asleep for five minutes , but i t felt like hours I was in the dream . I pee ked out the blinds on my window and saw the morning was already gray with the promise of t he soon to rise sun . I swung my feet of f the side of my bed and sat up . I was definitely not getting anymore sleep tonight . I was going to shower, get dress ed, and then I was going to see Cami . I had had enough .
    As I showered and dressed I couldn’t help but wonder if I was on the same mental downward spiral my mother had already plummeted down . After all, crazy people don’t think they’re crazy . They think the rest of us are fools for not seeing what they see . Maybe instead of having to worry about homecoming and the potential end of the world I

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