Destine (The Watcher's Trilogy)

Free Destine (The Watcher's Trilogy) by Katherine Polillo

Book: Destine (The Watcher's Trilogy) by Katherine Polillo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katherine Polillo
defend humanity.”
    There was a long , empty silence that stretched on between us, and for a while I was expecting him to announce he was only kidding . When it became clear that he was waiting for me to respond I blurted, “You think you’re actually t he angel Gabriel ? ”
    “ I know this seems crazy . I understand how this must sound, but trust me you ’ r e not the only one I’ve spoken t o who has had this reaction. ”
    Why couldn’t I meet a nice, normal boy ? Was I a crazy magnet ? First my m other and now this guy, seriously ? “ Okay … s o you th ink you’re an angel from heaven? ” I was talking slowly, enunciating all my words, like you talk to someone standing on the ledge of a building threatening to jump . I had heard of guys thinking they were God’s gift but never an angel, and just like that my patience broke . “ You have g ot to be kidding me with this, a nd what, I’m an instrument for Michael ? He’s going to work through me ? Besides it being completely crazy, don’t you think I would know if some angel was working through me? ”
    “No,” he replied with a calmness that startled me . “I’m here to tell you what you have to do, but until it comes time for you to defeat the evil that is threatening all of us , Michael isn’t with you. “
    “I should have listened to my instincts . The weird tattoo, reading The Bible, and no w this! No normal teenage boy doe s all these things . It would figure that I would like you, I’m defective . I can’t even go to a football game on a Friday night with a boy . No , that would be too normal for me . I would have to choose a boy who thinks he’s a messenger for he aven! ” I was well on my way to a total melt down .
    “So you feel it , too? ” he asked with such candor that he stopped me mid-rant .
    “Feel what?” I asked.
    “The draw, i t ’ s like I can’ t stay away from you.”
    “Really ? I mean, I guess, yeah I like being around you , too . ” Wow that was eloquent .
    “I think that’s part of it . We have to be near each other for our destinies to be fulfilled . If we weren’t together , we wouldn’t succeed ,” he explained.
    “Wow, that’s the c raziest thing I’ve ever heard … since the l ast time you opened your mouth. A nd if you knew my mother you’d know just how crazy that is . I’m outta here. ” I stood up and began storming off towards the parking lot . I had had enough . No way was I going to sit there and listen to his crazy shit . If I wanted crazy, I would go home .
    “Yo ur m other sees your destiny . Sh e knows the truth . Haven’t you ever wondered what she sees? ” he shouted after me. “I’m the one who told her about your destiny!”
    I expected him to follow me, to try to convince me he wasn’t crazy, but when I got to the parking lot and glanced back I could just make out his outline standing by the soccer field watching me leave .
    Chapter 6
    Daniel 8; 16: “And I heard a man’s voice between the banks of Ulai , which called, and said, Gabriel, make this man to understand the vision.”
                  All the way home all I could think about was that it figured, a boy who seemed interested in me would turn out to be a total nut . I should have seen this coming, all the signs pointed to him being totally weird . As I walked onto my block and my house started coming into view, I began thinking about what he had shouted at me . “Your m other knows the truth. ” He didn’t even know my m other, as far as I knew they had never met .
    Then I began thinking about what Dad had said . About Mom seeing things trying to get me, but not just thin gs , angels and demons. Dad said her hallucinations made her believe these things wer e trying to use me or hurt me . How would Gabriel know about that ? I didn’t even know that her hallucinations were of angels and demons until Dad had s aid something earlier tonight . The only logical explanation was that he was some

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