MEGA-AX1 The Inferno

Free MEGA-AX1 The Inferno by LaShawn Vasser

Book: MEGA-AX1 The Inferno by LaShawn Vasser Read Free Book Online
Authors: LaShawn Vasser
Tags: ir romance
no idea what she was about to do next. She crawled from her end of the sofa to his end, then slithered her body next to his. She needed to channel her alter ego, Exodus, or she would lose her nerve. This might be Jessie’s only chance to act on her secret feelings without embarrassing herself. She could always claim she was just acting.
    Jessie slowly ran her hands up and down Brian’s chest as she began to nuzzle his ear and neck. Brian stiffened and immediately opened his eyes. He was barely breathing. Breathless he whispered, “Jessie, what are you doing?”
    “Shhh…I’m following the script. It said for me to try to seduce you.”
    Brian remained still and in disbelief that Jessie was caressing him in this way. The way her soft breasts pressed so intimately against him was titillating. He couldn’t help but close his eyes again and enjoy the feeling of her touch. It was incredible. This situation was almost impossible for him to wrap his mind around. My god this was Jessie!
    Brian tried to keep his hands at his sides. He kept clenching them to keep from wrapping them around her. From the moment that she came down the stairs, he’d been curious to know if her skin was as soft as it looked. But when her tongue darted out and laved on that sensitive spot behind his ear, he almost lost it.
    Was she really doing this and how far was she willing to go? Brian couldn’t hold back any longer. He reached out and pulled her lips close to his without actually touching them. They danced around each other before he felt the press of her lips against his. Jessie kissed and skimmed her tongue along the seam of his lips. Brian automatically pulled Jessie’s body even closer. She took it a step further by throwing her leg over his and straddling herself on top of him.
    It was no longer possible for Brian to pretend they were just acting once she sat on his manhood. He was hard and there was no hiding that. Brian knew she was just as turned on as he was because he could feel her heat through those flimsy little yoga pants.
    Brian glided his hands down her body and unconsciously rocked his hardness into Jessie’s sensitive flesh. When she let out a gasp, he slipped his tongue into the hot cavern of her mouth.
    Jessie was burning up from the inside out as they hungrily kissed each other. All of their hidden and pent up desire exploded. Neither could think past the passionate haze. Their bodies instinctively took over. His kisses moved to her neck. He’d been craving to taste her all over and his kisses didn’t stop there. They continued to move further down her body. Brian used his teeth to move that crop top out of the way and to pull one of those tantalizing nipples into his mouth. Jessie was still wearing her lacy bra so he wouldn’t be able to fully taste her. But, it had pebbled just for him. Jessie ran her fingers through his hair and if it were possible tried to pull him even closer. After spending a little more time loving on her breast Brian moved over to give the other one the same attention. Jessie was soaking wet and needed more. The pulsing throb between her legs had turned into a full on ache. She knew Brian was the only one who could relieve it. Brian slipped his hands inside her pants caressing her naked ass while grinding into her. The moans she’d been trying to hold at bay escaped when he did that.
    Jessie wanted to ride him hard. As Brian tried to drive into her, she thrust into him even harder. They’re rhythm started off slow, then got out of control. Brian knew what her body was asking for because he needed the same thing. He tried to go as deeply as he could but was thwarted from the ultimate prize because they were both still fully clothed. But he was going to remedy that problem and fast.
    Brian captured her lips again and picked Jessie up so he could lay her down on the sofa. Just as he started to pull the damn yoga pants off he thought he’d heard a car pull up

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