Casted (Casted series)

Free Casted (Casted series) by Sonya Loveday

Book: Casted (Casted series) by Sonya Loveday Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sonya Loveday
well, I bet they were freaking out at the thought that you may in fact be dead.” The small smirk turned into a crooked smile. “So for now we-”
    Dagger’s sentence was cut off by an explosion. The ceiling rained down on us. Dagger rushed to the closet and tossed my boots at me. “Quick, put those on. I’m going to make sure the hallway is clear.” He dashed out the door as I forced my shaking hands to tie my laces.
    The floor shifted heaving me into the air. I landed half on and half off the bed while the bed frame shimmied across the floor. I pulled myself up onto the mattress and tried to ride out the shockwave. Cracks started spider webbing in the paint and ceiling. It was like the room was being ripped in half. The bed kept rattling around on the floor, bumping into the wall and other furniture like it was looking for a way out. I had to get off the bed and get out of the room.
    As soon as the bed started shaking away from the door, I jumped off. My exit was only two feet away, but every time I’d take a step the floor would roll and send me back a couple of feet. I waited for the floor to settle. Then leapt to the door. The bed screeched across the room, coming back at me. My hand connected with the doorknob. I pulled furiously at it, but it wouldn’t open.
    I could hear Dagger banging on the outside like he was trying to find a way in. I only had seconds to jump out of the way before the bed frame could pin me to the door. I jumped at the last possible second, but I didn’t make it high enough to clear the footboard. Pain exploded in my legs as the metal crushed me against the door. I fell back onto the bed as it began to move to the far wall.
    It slammed against the wall only to back up and slam against it again. On and on the bed bucked wildly until the wall crumbled. I forced myself to get ready to move.
    The wall began to crumble. Large chunks of brick flew out into the yard, clearing a path big enough for the bed to get through. I had to make my move before it was too late. I jumped. Pain raced up my spine as my body came to a jarring stop.
    I grabbed a heavy brass lamp off the floor and began beating the door knob to try and break it off. The bed had gotten caught on the wall and was rattling and banging its way free. The door knob fell off, clanging to the floor.
    “Stand back!” Dagger yelled from the hall.
    I moved to the side so that I could slip out the door as soon as it was open. One solid kick and the door came flying inward. Dagger grabbed me, pulling me out. The bed slammed into the doorway where I had just stood.
    “Let’s go,” he said as he grabbed my hand and ran down the hall and pulled me off to another section of the house.
    Julie came careening down the opposite hallway as debris rained down on her and chunks of the wall shot out towards her. “Last room on the left,” she shouted.
    Dagger pulled me forward, his hold the only thing keeping my feet under me. The door swung open and we staggered to a stop. Julie barreled through the open doorway, barely missing me.
    A large tapestry hung from the wall. Dagger grabbed a corner and pulled it away as Julie placed her hand on a worn block and chanted softly. A door sized cutout appeared and Julie pulled me inside a small paneled closet. Dagger was right behind us as the wall shimmered back into place behind him.
    All three of us were breathing rapidly, sucking all the available oxygen out of the confined space. I couldn’t help but worry that we’d die from asphyxiation, instead of crazy bad guys.
    Julie’s words were catching in between her labored breathing. “Where…is…the…next…best…safe house?” she asked.
    Dagger shook his head in frustration. “I was planning on taking her to Lighthouse Manor, but that’s out of the question. They are finding Jade in no time at all. I think all the safe houses are corrupt at this point.” He scowled.
    “Oh, you have got to be kidding me! You brought Lorenzo’s granddaughter to

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