Pitching to Win (Over the Fence #1)

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Book: Pitching to Win (Over the Fence #1) by Carrie Aarons Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carrie Aarons
hard. Literally.
    “What’re you doing here?” She asks suspiciously, but doesn’t look pissed. Actually, she looks kind of happily annoyed. I can work with that.
    “So, did you know that white chocolate isn’t even really chocolate? Its sugar. And its nasty. Buttt…I’ve learned, through my superior investigative skills these past few days, that we both have the same order from Mitch’s.” I shake the brown paper bag in hand at her.
    “You brought me a cheesesteak with extra pickles?” Minka asks in disbelief.
    “Wait, I thought you said you liked pulled pork on potato bread….” I trail off and smile when she scowls at me. “Yes, I brought us cheesesteaks, with extra pickles. But, you can only have it if you invite me in.”
    My offer dangles in the air, she’s leaving me hanging on purpose while she hops back and forth from foot to foot with a thinking face on. The little brat.
    “Ok fine, you may come in. But only because I’d give up my first born child for a Mitch’s cheesesteak.”
    She turns, leading the way into her house, giving me an outrageous view of her mass of curls sweeping over the curve of tailbone. I groan inwardly, trying to keep my lust in check.
    She takes some dishes and silverware out of the cabinets, and sets the table so I can sit at the head with her on my right side. I empty the contents of the bag and set the items out accordingly.
    “One loaded pickle cheesesteak for the beautiful lady.” I smile a cheshire cat grin at her. I really, really need to win her over tonight. This constant rejection wasn’t good for my ego.
    She rolls her eyes at me and climbs into the chair, sitting indian style while she eats. I watch her unwrap the sandwich as I do the same. I was constantly enthralled by her movements. She had such interesting ticks; the way she tucked her hair behind her ears every 10 seconds, how she blinked those long lashes whenever she looked another direction, the way she chewed her ring finger when she was nervous. Minka had so many movements, all I wanted to do was sit there and study them forever.
    “So, what did you do today?” I try for small talk as I take my first bite.
    “What is this, family dinner time?” She rolls her eyes at me. Another movement that she liked to do, a lot .
    “Well no, I am glad that we are far from family.” I wink. “But I’d really like to know what you have on your plate for the rest of the summer.”
    She pops a pickle in her mouth. “Fair enough. I’m taking some university level courses down at the community college.”
    “Wow. That’s ambitious. Towards….nursing, right? You’d mentioned you wanted to be a nurse.” I take a massive bite of my cheesesteak. Just the right amount of meat to cheese to onions ratio. My stomach thanked me.
    “That’s right.” She looks a little surprised that I’d remembered that. “Biology 101 and some other pre-req courses. I’m trying to fast-track and earn my degree in three years.”
    “Why would you want to do that? I’m staying until they kick me out.”
    “Let’s just say that school is not my thing.” She looks down at the cheesesteak which she’d yet to take a bite from.
    “But you said before that you were great at school, that mere mortals had to be smart because they didn’t look like Greek gods and have the ability to give any woman a mind-blowing org…..”
    “OK!” She cuts me off. “First of all, I never said those things about you, quit strok...er, building, your ego.” She blushes at her almost slip up. Damn she was cute. “Second, yes I’m super smart. Its the classmates and social scene thing I can’t stand.” I can see hesitation and a tinge of sadness in her eyes, and I wonder who put it there. And where I could find them to pummel the living shit out of them.
    “That’s too bad. College is awesome, I have a feeling you might like it. The partying and the girls are fun, yeah, but being able to get away from you parents and their pressure….

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