Pitching to Win (Over the Fence #1)

Free Pitching to Win (Over the Fence #1) by Carrie Aarons

Book: Pitching to Win (Over the Fence #1) by Carrie Aarons Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carrie Aarons
think my jaw hung so low in shock that it was hovering over the tops of my shoes. “Dude, your knowledge of romantic comedies astounds, and nauseates, me. Also, if you talk about her tits again I’ll take a bat to your junk so hard, you won’t be able to walk for a week. I’m seeing where it goes. Leave it at that.”
    “Axel, I knew you always wanted on these nuts, but you gotta warm me up before you take your bat to me.” He winks and then doubles over at his own joke. Miles is all about the laughter, jokes and fun. Although he’d never officially confided in me, a thought that still disappointed me because of how long we’d been friends, I had a feeling his home life was a lot worse than mine. His jokes were his shield.
    “Alright dickwad, I gotta split. See you next week for arms? I’m gonna kick your scrawny ass.” Walking towards my car, I throw a cocky smile at my best friend, who no one would ever in their life describe as scrawny. Farris is a beast; he has at least three inches and fifty pounds on me. But bicep and tricep work is his worst area, and I rag on him whenever I get the chance.
    “In your dreams, pussy.” I hear as I reach my black pickup, my cell vibrating against my thigh. Pulling it out, I read the text from Minka.
    Minka: White chocolate anything
    Since our night of cuddling at the field on Saturday, I’d been texting her on and off for four days. I was trying to take things slow, because if I knew anything, it was that she spooked easily. Or that any girl would kick you out after basically humping them like a horny gorilla without asking their middle name. Nonetheless, I was trying to get back in her good graces.
    My previous text had asked her what her favorite candy was. My plan was to try and pry information from this stubborn, formidable girl. So far we’d covered favorite movies, books - of which she had an itemized list, foods, colors and music.
    She desperately wanted to travel to England, hated roller coasters and thought video games were the spawn of Satan. And she was funny. Hilarious, actually. She spoke out loud, or texted in this case, what people were usually too afraid to say, and had no qualms about spouting her opinions.
    But for the past couple of days I could tell she was trying to push me off. Her answers were getting less and less involved. Her responses were less frequent. So she didn’t want to let me in? Too bad. I’d bulldoze through that wall and make her get to know me.
    Folding myself into the driver’s seat, I checked the time on my dash radio. 7 p.m. I’d waited long enough to make my next move. And in all honesty, I was dying to see Minka’s face. She was quickly becoming an addiction, drinking in her sun kissed complexion, those dark oval eyes framed by long, sexy lashes.
    Yeah, decision made. I swing my car out of the parking spot and plan my next course of action.
    I stand in front of her door, Mitch’s Deli bag in hand, forty five minutes later. I knock lightly, hoping to god her parents aren’t home and that she doesn’t get pissed that I’m here. I also hope that she is in a towel, fresh from the shower. I’d definitely been watching too much porn this year.
    The heavy oak door of Minka’s spacious ranch-style home opens, revealing the most breathtaking sight. Seriously, this girl literally takes my breath away every time I see her. I mentally kick myself again for not noticing her the two years we attended high school together.
    She wore short olive green pajama bottoms that looked like they’d be blanket-soft to the touch. They rested about two inches down her thigh, and the rest of her shapely, sexy legs were bare. Above, she wore nothing but a brown strappy tank top. Her beautiful, round tits were straining against the material, and when I saw her nipples start to harden beneath my stare, all the blood in my body poured directly into my now stiff cock. Shit, she wasn’t wearing a bra. Taking this slow was going to be very, very

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