Chilled to the Bone

Free Chilled to the Bone by Sindra van Yssel

Book: Chilled to the Bone by Sindra van Yssel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sindra van Yssel
Tags: Vampires
“You planned to get us to go there all along.”
    “I anticipated the possibility,” admitted Pemberton.
    “And we have no way to know whether she’s really there or you’re setting us up somehow.”
    “None at all,” Pemberton agreed. “But if I simply wanted you dead, or captured, there are simpler ways to go about it. Three hours, gentlemen. We have to do something about this before dawn, so I can give you that long and no more. Nature has given us some limitations, and we must abide by them.”
    “Why do you have to do anything about it at all? What are you afraid of, other than for her life?”
    “Life, Mr. Keller? Surely this is not life . Existence. In any case, I decline to answer. The people in that house are dangerous. Dangerous for us, and doubly dangerous for you. Yet you can do this, and we cannot. Love conquers all, Mr. Keller, isn’t that what they say? And you are most definitely in love.”
    In love? It’s too early for that. And I never fall for the subs . I like variety too much. Is that what it looked liked to Pemberton, when he was fishing around inside me? He frowned. “Let’s go , Kent.”
    “An excellent idea, Mr. Keller. And good luck. You will most certainly need it.”
    Kent nodded to him. The vampire guarding the door they had entered moved aside as they headed for the exit. Charles’ mind was still on Pemberton’s comment.
    I doubt very much Pemberton knows anything of love at all , he decided.
    * * * * *
    The address was for a house in Georgetown two blocks from the shopping district. The shops stayed open late, but not after midnight. Club traffic kept the main streets of Wisconsin Avenue and M Street alive, but the back streets were empty save for the occasional night owl heading for their parking spot. But a person or two hung out at each corner of the little block the house was on. And none of them, as far as Charles could tell, were breathing. If whatever was in this house required the attention of half a dozen vampires, than what chance did the two of them have?
    Then again, they’d already accomplished one miracle in Georgetown. They’d found street parking. Kent had insisted on getting Brennan to join them, and he was on his way. So they’d be three.
    The house was an old three - story row house. The houses to the left and right were brick red, but this one was made of gray weathered stone. The windows had the grayish tint of old leaded glass, and they weren’t particularly clean either. There was a light on in the third floor, but otherwise the house, like most on the street, had gone dark.
    “This has got to be the craziest thing I’ve ever done,” muttered Charles. Pemberton had hinted that Doreen might not be in control of her body, so they were looking at fighting a vampire , and whatever in there was strong enough to control her. What could three humans do? Besides, there was no way to break into the row house from a back or side door. They’d have to go in from the front, through the door or the windows.
    “I’ve done crazier things,“ replied Kent. “But even if weren’t for this vampire that has you entranced, if they burn this house , there’s a decent chance the whole block will catch fire. When Brennan gets here, we’ll pick the front lock and act like we belong. Pemberton knows more than he’s telling, though. We’ll have to be alert to respond to whoever or whatever is in there.”
    “How fast can you pick the lock?”
    “Probably not fast enough. But if someone calls the police, they’ll have to come in past the vamps, who probably don’t want the cops actually on the scene of their little fire party. I’m guessing the vamps will convince them everything is okay. They can be pretty persuasive.” His lips tightened. “I’m not used to thinking of the undead as being on our side. Not sure I really like it.”
    Charles nodded. With Brennan coming to join them, Genna was left running the club, with Angela’s help. That was the

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