Not Becoming My Mother

Free Not Becoming My Mother by Ruth Reichl

Book: Not Becoming My Mother by Ruth Reichl Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ruth Reichl
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Copyright © Ruth Reichl, 2009
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    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
    Reichl, Ruth.
Not becoming my mother : and other things she taught me along the way / Ruth Reichl.
p. cm.
    eISBN : 978-1-101-04638-8
    1. Reichl, Ruth. 2. Reichl, Miriam. 3. Women food writers—United States—Biography. I. Title.
TX649.R45A3 2009


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For you, Mom. Finally.

The Mim Tales
    My mother’ s name wa s Miriam, but most people called her Mim. She was such a character that as a child I developed a special form of literature; it was known as the Mim Tale. This is one of my favorites.
    “Hurry up, hurry up,” my mother is shouting as she races through our small apartment, “we’re going to be late again!”
    This is nothing new; my mother is incapable of arriving anywhere on time. But she has just become the leader of my Brownie troop, and the powers that be have emphasized the importance of punctuality. She grabs a red hat, crams it onto her head, and dashes for the door. I am right behind her. Just as the door begins to close Mom shouts, “Oh, no, I forgot the snack!”
    “Mom,” I moan. “You can’t forget the snack again. You forgot it last week.”
    “Don’t be fresh!” she snaps, inserting herself into the arc of the closing door. “We have no time to shop. Come back in and help me find something delicious.”
    “We don’t have anything,” I say flatly.
    “Nonsense,” she says, striding to the refrigerator. She surveys the contents with a gimlet eye and gingerly extracts a bowl. It is covered with bright blue fuzz, but she carefully scrapes this off, murmuring, “This must be that chocolate pudding I made last month.” She pokes in a finger, tastes tentatively and says triumphantly, “What a good start!”
    “There’s not very much,” I say hopefully. I am aware that any mention of the pudding’s antique character will be unwelcome; my mother is a firm believer in the benign nature of mold. “It’s not enough for all of us.”
    “I know that!” she says crossly. “We’re going to stretch it. See what you can find in the cupboard.”
    “Like what?” I ask dubiously.
    “Oh, use

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