Niccolo (Blood Brothers)

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Book: Niccolo (Blood Brothers) by Eve Vaughn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eve Vaughn
bought his ticket and was waiting in the boarding lounge for his flight when the red-haired vampire approached him. It was how Jagger had ended up in Germany—with his father.”
    “Here we are, young one.” The older vampire gave him a smile that made Jagger a bit uneasy.
    Jagger paused. The place looked like an abandoned warehouse, but when he walked inside, it was furnished as grandly as a palace.
    “Please make yourself at home.”
    “This is your home?” Jagger asked with uncertainty.
    “Yes. One of them. I have several bases. One must be mobile for what I do.”
    “I see.”
    “Would you like a drink, young one? I know you Russians are fond of your vodka. I have the finest bar in all of Europe. Please have a seat; after all, what is mine is yours, of course.” There was an unreadable expression in the red-head’s amber eyes, and Jagger squirmed in his discomfort. “I sense your unease, young one. Why don’t you relax and I’ll fix you a drink to soothe your nerves. You have lived too long under your mother’s thumb and don’t realize the way things are done among our kind, but you will learn.” A condescending smile accompanied his words.
    “Leave my mother out of this. This is between you and me. Those people back there …they were innocents. Why did you ...?” Jagger faltered, unable to take his mind from the slaughter he had witnessed. He knew very well that vampires could be brutal, but the taking of innocent lives was something he didn’t understand. It was the act of a rogue, and from the very little he knew of his father, Niccolo Grimaldi was no rogue.
    Jagger could still hear the screaming and pleading in his head. The image of a pretty little girl chilled him the most. Her lifeless eyes seemed to ask him why. He cursed himself for not having been able to stop the carnage, for having hungered for their blood. Self-disgust formed in the pit of his belly.
    “They were human and of no consequence to us.” The vampire shrugged. “Now, have a seat. I will return shortly.”
    Jagger sat down, still unable to shake his unease. This was not what he had had in mind when he’d gone looking for his father, and he debated getting up and leaving, but his need for answers made him stay where he was.
    His host returned shortly with a drink in his hands. “Here. Drink it all. It will make you feel better.” The older vampire suddenly frowned and narrowed his eyes. “Where the hell do you think you’re going?”
    Jagger stiffened but then realized the question wasn’t directed toward him.
    Seeming to appear from nowhere, a tall, striking woman came into Jagger’s line of vision. She easily had one of the most arresting faces he’d ever seen. It was a rare, exotic type of beauty that was capable of leaving many speechless, with her perfectly proportioned features, dark skin and lithe frame. Jagger knew right away she wasn’t human. Her face remained blank, but her overly generous lips curled into an almost sneer as she spoke to his host. “Out.”
    Dark auburn brows furrowed. “Where out?”
    “I have things to do.” She sounded bored and looked even more so.
    “When will you be back?”
    “When you see me.” She headed toward the exit.
    She halted but she kept her back to him.
    “You know what happens if you don’t return.”
    “How can I forget?” And with that she was gone.
    Jagger wasn’t sure what that exchange was about, but nothing could make this night even more of a nightmare than it already was. “Your lover?”
    His host sat back in his chair, his smile returning. “She’s not important. Drink.”
    The beautiful vampire femme forgotten, he took a sip from his glass to steady his nerves. Jagger winced as the alcohol burned a trail down his throat.
    The redhead laughed. “I see you are not used to drinking. Personally, alcohol doesn’t do a thing for me — one of the drawbacks of being as old as I am —but it does have a soothing effect, doesn’t it? Of

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