The Hot Line

Free The Hot Line by Cathryn Fox

Book: The Hot Line by Cathryn Fox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cathryn Fox
Tags: Fiction, General, Erótica
underneath his bulbous head and lapped at the juices pearling on his tip. She teased and caressed his erection, taking time to savor every delectable inch.
    Moaning and purring with pent-up need, she began moving restlessly, her internal temperature igniting to a boil.
    She spent a long time between his legs, working her tongue over his cock, raining kisses over his length, licking, sucking, and nibbling until she could feel his veins fill with heated blood. He brushed her hair from her face, watching the way she took him into her mouth.
    Mitch’s muscles bunched and his cock tightened with the tension of an approaching orgasm. Every nerve in Sara’s body came alive, heat flamed through her, her cunt lubricated in preparation.
    “Mmmmm…” Sara moaned, working her hands and tongue over his cock at the same time, urging him on.
    His breath came in a ragged burst. “I’m going to come, babe,” he growled. He gripped her head, and tried to ease her back.
    She refused to budge, needing to taste his juice. “I want to taste you,” she murmured from deep between his legs. “Come in my mouth.”
    She heard him groan low in his throat and knew the pressure brewing deep in his groin had come to a peak. Sara flicked her tongue over his slit while her hands stroked over his cock, drawing out his orgasm.
    Hands fisting her hair, he began rocking, pressing against her, and she knew his explosion was only a stroke away.
    “Come for me, Mitch.” As soon as the words left her mouth, she felt a tremor rip through him. He came, fast and hard, sending his liquid heat down her throat. She swallowed every delicious drop. Once he stopped trembling, Sara eased back on her heels to look up at him.
    Gorgeous blue eyes met hers. A deep, contented sigh curved his handsome face. He reached out and cupped her chin, stroking her with the utmost care. His hand slid lower to grip her elbow. “Come here, babe.” His voice was so tender and soft it filled her with longing and stirred all her emotions.
    Sara slid up his body until her mouth hovered near his. When he drew her close and cradled her in his arms, her heart twisted.
    “That was amazing, Sara.”
    She grinned. “My pleasure.” He held her tighter, their slick bodies melding together. After a long moment of just holding each other, Sara inched back. “Mitch?”
    “I still owe you a secret.”
    “What?” he asked, his voice deep, drowsy.
    “Last night I promised you a secret. I’m ready to tell you now.”
    His eyes perked up. “I’m listening.”
    When Sara stood, water dripped from her body, gaining Mitch’s attention. She reached a hand out to him. “Why don’t you come with me, and I’ll show you instead?”
    He nodded and was on his feet in seconds. He grabbed their pile of clothes and came up beside her. When the cool night air brushed against her skin, Mitch scooped up their towels, wrapping one tight around her body. Shielding her from the cold, he pulled her in closer, using his body to warm hers. That small gesture had her feeling all warm and wonderful inside.
    Relinquishing his hand, Sara unlocked the pool house door and entered. Mitch followed her. Once inside she turned to him. Strong arms snaked around her waist, gripping her hips, positioning her pelvis next to his. “Tell me your secret,” he commanded in a soft voice, his fingers going to the knot in her towel.
    She met his gaze, her mind racing with wild and wicked ideas. Her body trembled with the urgent need to answer the incessant ache between her legs. “It’s more of a confession than a secret.”
    His brow arched. “Go on,” he urged.
    She shivered as the towel slid down her body and fell to the floor. The shiver had more to do with the man standing in front of her than it did with being cold.
    Mitch pulled her tighter; she melted against him as her flesh absorbed the heat radiating off his body. She gestured with a nod toward the sexy toys she’d purchased at a boutique

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