The Circle of Eight

Free The Circle of Eight by J Robert Kennedy

Book: The Circle of Eight by J Robert Kennedy Read Free Book Online
Authors: J Robert Kennedy
Tags: Fiction, Action & Adventure
around but
he grabbed the barrel, deflecting the weapon, his grip too strong for her to
break. She let go of the gun and put the car in gear, hammering on the gas. The
grip on her neck broke and several shots were fired, her rear windshield
bursting as the glass was taken out.
    A car in
front of her blocked her way and she cranked the steering wheel to the right,
hopped the curb, and raced down the sidewalk just as her brother had told her
to do, all the while laying on the horn, pedestrians scrambling to get out of
the way. She burst onto the road again and turned right, rushing toward the
police station she knew was only two blocks away.
phone rang but she couldn’t reach it. Remembering the Bluetooth in the car, she
hit the button on her steering wheel.
what’s going on?”
    “I shot
another one, Burt. The other one got my gun. I did like you said and drove on
the sidewalk. I don’t see them anymore!”
Just keep driving straight and you’ll be at the police station. We’ve already
called ahead. They’re expecting you. Just stop in front of the station, get out
of your car, and go inside, okay?”
    “Okay, I
see it. I see it!” she cried, the police station parking lot coming into view
as she caught a green light on the final intersection. She screeched into the
parking lot then hammered on her brakes as her ABS brought her to a shuddering
halt. Turning off the vehicle, she jumped out of the car.
us! Please help us!” she screamed as she opened the back door, unbuckling Jenny
and pulling her into her arms. She rounded the back of her car and rushed
toward the steps as several officers ran toward her.
wrong, ma’am?” asked one in uniform.
men tried to kill us!”
    “Are you
Mrs. Dawson-Biggs?” asked a man rushing down the steps.
get you inside right away,” he said as he took her by the arm and led her and Jenny
up the stairs. Within minutes they were deep within the building, sitting
inside a stark white room, a mirror across one of the walls. She had a bottle
of water, Jenny a chocolate bar and her own bottle, happily humming as she
nibbled at her treat.
had spoken to them since they had been put in the room about fifteen minutes
ago, and she was getting frustrated.
only I had my phone!
was a knock on the door then it opened quickly, the man who had brought them
inside, a Detective Lewis, entering, followed by two men in dark suits. Her
heart immediately slammed into her chest at the sight of them. She didn’t
recognize them, but couldn’t be positive they weren’t the ones who had attacked
her earlier. She quickly ran through the events in her head. She knew she had
put several holes in the first one, and he was definitely dead. The second had
a bullet hole in his shoulder, and neither of these men appeared wounded. She
shot one in the stomach at the crash site, so there was no way he was one of
them. And then there was the one who had taken her gun. She had never seen his
for keeping you waiting, Mrs. Dawson-Biggs. But I had to make a few phone calls
to get things cleared up.”
    “Who are
they?” she asked, motioning for Jenny to come over to her side of the table.
detective frowned, his face grim.
afraid, ma’am, that I have some bad news. The men you shot, two of whom you
killed, were FBI.”
    She felt
herself gag, her mouth filling with bile as her stomach flipped. It can’t be!
they were in my house, they had my daughter!”
I’m Special Agent Nelson Harcourt”—he flashed his ID—“FBI. My men were
searching your house as there was an incident involving your brother. We were
there to take you into protective custody. According to my man who survived,
you shot one of our agents without provocation, and without giving him a chance
to identify himself.”
can’t be happening!” she cried, the room starting to swim as

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