The Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow

Free The Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow by Cory Doctorow

Book: The Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow by Cory Doctorow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cory Doctorow
Tags: Fiction, Science-Fiction, Dystopian
    I knew that she was awake, fully awake. I snatched my hand away.
    “God, I’m sorry Lacey.”
    “What are you doing, Jimmy?”
    “I—” I couldn’t find the words. It was too embarrassing, too weird. Too creepy.
    “It was the sex talk, huh?”
    I swallowed. I calmed myself down. I decided I could talk about this like a man of science. “I’m not quite physiologically there, when it comes to sex. I’m sort of stuck between the first stage of sexual maturity and childhood. Normally, it’s not a problem, but . . .” I ran out of science.
    “Yeah,” she said. “I wondered about that. Come here, Jimmy.”
    Awkwardly, I snuggled up to her, letting her spoon behind me.
    “No,” she said. “Turn around.”
    I turned around. I had my little boner again, and I was conscious of how it must be pressing against her thigh, the way her breasts were pressed against my chest. Her face was inches from mine, her breath warm on my lips.
    She kissed me.
    She kissed
like I remembered it, twenty years before. Slowly, with a lazy bit of tongue. Her teeth were warm in her mouth as I tentatively reciprocated. She took my hand and put it on her breast. Her nipple was a little bump in the center of my palm, the flesh of her breast yielding under my hand. I squeezed it and rubbed it and touched it, almost forgetting the kiss. She laughed a little and pulled her shirt up and pulled my face down to her breasts. I kissed them, kissed the nipples, unsure of what to do but hearing her breath catch when I did something right. I tried to do more of that. It was fascinating. The pack roused itself and squirmed over us. I pushed them away.
    She gave a soft little moan. Her hands roamed over my back, squeezed my butt. Her hand found my little boner. I gave a jolt, then another as she started to move her hand. Then I felt something like a sneeze, that started in my stomach and went
. There was sticky stuff on her hand.
    “Wow,” I said. “I didn’t know I could do that.”
    “Let’s find out what else you can do,” she said.
    - - -
    The next day was my scheduled day at the research station, but I didn’t want to leave Lacey alone in the Carousel, not now that Sebastien and Tina knew about her. They might come by to ask her some questions about her intentions.
    Besides, there was the matter of what we’d done the night before. It had lasted for a long time. There was a lot I didn’t know. When we were done, I knew a
more. And it was all I could think of, from the moment I woke up with the smells on me and the small aches here and there; while I was in the bathroom and pissing through a dick that felt
, gummy and sticky; while I was washing up and digging some grapefruits out of my storehouse for breakfast, slicing them open and grabbing water from the osmotic filter for the day.
    Lacey was sitting up in bed, the pack arrayed around her, the sheet not covering her beautiful breasts. Her hair was in great disarray and her mouth was a little puffy and swollen from kissing.
    “Good morning,” she said, and smiled at me, her little bow mouth widening into a giant grin.
    I smiled back and handed her a grapefruit. I cuddled up to her as we ate and she laughed when I got a squirt of grapefruit in the eye. We didn’t say much, but then the Flea, who is also in charge of my calendar reminders, began to chitter at me to tell me it was time to go to the lab.
    “What’s he want?”
    “I’m supposed to see the researchers here. About my immortality. I go every couple of weeks and they do more tests, measure me. Whatever Dad did to my germline wasn’t documented anywhere public. He had all these buddies around the world who had treated themselves to make them immortal, and they were all refining the process. None of them seem to be anywhere that we can find them, so we’re trying to reverse-engineer them.”
    “What kind of researchers would a place like this have? I’d have thought that

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