Kade's Dark Embrace (Immortals of New Orleans)

Free Kade's Dark Embrace (Immortals of New Orleans) by Kym Grosso

Book: Kade's Dark Embrace (Immortals of New Orleans) by Kym Grosso Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kym Grosso
she talked about him with contempt, and he wasn’t sure why. It wasn’t like Sydney to be that way with his friends. He kissed her again. He wanted her protected, and he was going to talk to Kade again, whether she liked it or not.
    As they walked down the winding stairway, the pounding music reminded her she was in a club not someone’s house. Halfway down, she felt him and looked across the crowded dance floor. Again? Really? She could not get away from that damn vampire. Sydney looked over to Tristan and saw him wave at Kade. She glanced over to Kade and found him glaring at her. He knew.
    Sydney didn’t get how these two were friends. Right now, she didn’t care. She just wanted to get out of the bar, go home and sleep. But seeing Kade ignited the flame of desire in her that had only slightly dimmed during her little tryst with Tristan. She knew it would be temporary but she was hoping to at least get through five minutes without thinking about Kade. Damn.
    She turned and kissed Tristan on the cheek and descended the rest of the stairs. She had no intention of feeling bad about fooling around with him. She had no ties to anyone, least of all Kade. She held her chin up refusing to look away from Kade as she pushed through the dance floor. She wasn’t hiding.
    Kade spotted her on the stairs with Tristan. He fought the instinct to run up the stairs and rip into his friend. What the fuck was he thinking? He held no claims to Sydney yet and could not challenge his friend here in his territory. In fact, a few hours ago he left Sydney’s house refusing her invitation. He damn well knew she wanted more than coffee the instant she offered. But he had to meet Luca to figure out who had been at the crime scene.
    After Luca picked him up, Kade’s deepest suspicion was confirmed. Luca had found a Voodoo bracelet with a vampire’s scent on it. A vampire who Kade knew well. There was no denying her scent; this vampire had come for him, and was somehow using the humans to assist her, perhaps a mage. He did not intend to tell Sydney about Luca’s findings tonight. She was mortal and too vulnerable. Kade planned to get Sydney off the case, keeping her safe and off the radar.
    Yet, he felt so connected to Sydney. He could not deny the intense feelings that were growing inside of him. When he saw her there with Tristan, he almost lost it. As she approached, he could smell Tristan on her. He rushed over to stop her from leaving. He wanted to let her know in no uncertain terms to whom she would belong someday. She was his. He wasn’t sure how or when, but she would belong to him.
    Sydney sucked a breath sensing that Kade would not let her pass. She didn’t want him to think that he intimidated her even if she was nervous. She’d play it cool, as if nothing had happened, all business. She stopped a foot in front of him, put a hand on her hip, and asked, “What are you doing here, Kade? Thought you were busy, no time for coffee and all. She was having a hard time concealing her anger. “Never mind, did Luca get anything off the scene?”
    In an instant, Kade slipped behind her. He softly placed his hands on her shoulders frowning at the now deep black and blue marks on her upper back. She shouldn’t be out here. “And what do you think you are doing out here? Your bruises...you must be in pain.”
    Sydney knew he felt responsible for her getting hurt even though this was her job. She was the one who insisted she go in alone. “Kade, I am a grown woman, a cop. I’ve been through worse.” She spun around and faced him. “What did Luca say?”
    He wasn’t giving in to her without getting something in return. He slid a hand around her waist and drew her into him. “A dance, love? Indulge me.” He leaned in and sniffed her neck. “I can see you have been busy.”
    Shit. He knew she was with Tristan. Yet, at his demand, Sydney found she couldn’t help herself. She slowly reached up and put her hands around his neck, leaning

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