
Free Hawk by Patricia A. Rasey

Book: Hawk by Patricia A. Rasey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Patricia A. Rasey
we rehashing this story? Is it your wish that I change my mind and demand restitution?”
    “You already know that under the circumstance I feel my brother was justified.”
    “Where is this proof against Rosalee?” A muscle ticked in Mircea’s cheek. He held his fury in check. “You accused my stepdaughter of conspiring to kill all those who dare to get close to you. Yet, you have not offered proof. I already granted your wish to mate again, so why now do you feel the need to drag the unpleasantries back up?”
    “Because I believe she’s left the country and now is plotting to take my brother’s head. We found Alec’s phone. Rosalee had tried to call him following the—”
    “The beheading.”
    “Yes. And although we didn’t answer it or correspond with her, we were able to view the texts between them that proved our theory. She wanted to see me punished and miserable for her being banished to Italy. I assume now that’s why she’s missing. I believe she knows that I told you about her involvement at our last meeting. Not to mention you allowing our mating to be dissolved.”
    Mircea slowly nodded, then drained his wineglass. He set the empty on the silver tray so gently, Kane barely detected the sound of the glass clinking against the metal. He knew his great uncle’s fury simmered beneath the surface, that much obvious in his obsidian gaze trained on Kane.
    “Certainly, you can understand why now I would think your stepdaughter has her hands in the plot to behead my brother. Though whoever plotted against Kaleb, missed their target and took out two of my brethren in the Sons of Sangue instead. Forgive me if I’m not of a very permissive nature at the moment.”
    “That doesn’t tell me why you think Rosalee is involved in this new supposed scheme. What reason would she have for going after Kaleb?”
    Kane had asked himself the same question. By all accounts, Mircea could’ve ordered the hit, not Rosalee. “Kaleb smelled primordial scent all over the scene.”
    “So you naturally think of my stepdaughter?” His one brow tipped skyward in challenge. “How do you know that I didn’t order the hit on your brother? After all, he broke a cardinal rule by killing a primordial. We both know the sentence that carries. Tell me, dear nephew, why should he be granted amnesty when to do so would show weakness on my part?”
    “Because in our last conversation you told me you granted him immunity. Are you saying that you went back on your word and now you passed down the order?”
    Mircea ran a hand through his slightly graying hair, attempting to tame the thick mass. “I did not. Though by all rights I should have. It appears someone else took it upon themselves to carry it out.”
    “And who would do that? You are the sole judge and jury as you are the eldest of the vampires. Who would act without your order?”
    He shrugged, poured himself another merlot and sat back, his now obsidian gaze holding Kane’s. “No primordial has ever acted without my expressed permission … except that of Alec Funar. That’s why your brother received absolution. Whoever tried to take your brother’s life has done so by his, or her,” he quickly amended, “own actions. You have my word that I had no hand in this.”
    “And if Rosalee is involved?”
    “I will see she is punished as I see fit.”
    “By banning her from leaving Italy?” Kane failed to conceal the bitterness from his tone.
    “Watch yourself, boy. Your sarcasm does not suit you well.”
    Kane grit his teeth. He hated to apologize to the old bastard, but he needed Mircea on his side. He ducked his head, looking into the bottom of his empty glass. “I meant no disrespect.”
    “You have your reasons for hating Rosalee more than anyone. She caused you the life of your son. So for that, I forgive your disdain against my stepdaughter.” He sighed through thin lips. “Now go. I will dig into this matter and punish the individual guilty of acting on his

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