A very Corporate Affair Book 1 (The Corporate Series)

Free A very Corporate Affair Book 1 (The Corporate Series) by D Latham

Book: A very Corporate Affair Book 1 (The Corporate Series) by D Latham Read Free Book Online
Authors: D Latham
              "About an hour."
                     An hour later I made myself scarce, again, hiding in the ladies. I stayed for ten minutes before checking the coast was clear, and slinking back to my desk.
                      "He came in to look for you," Matt said cheerfully, "and left you this." He handed me a note.
    I'm still thinking about you. Call me on 07985 267485 and tell me where you would like me to take you for dinner.
                    I tucked the note in my handbag as Matt watched me expectantly. I ignored him, and settled back down at my desk, picking up the infernally boring merger contract. I must have read the same line four times, before admitting to myself that I was struggling to concentrate. I decided it was a good time to break for lunch, clear my head, and pull myself together. I tidied my papers, and grabbed my handbag, before walking through to reception.
                      Oscar stood by the main desk, talking to Priti. They both looked up as I walked towards them, Oscar smiling widely.
                      "Hello Elle, thought I'd join you for lunch today. It's been a mad busy week, and this is the first chance I've had." He held his hand out for me to take, and not knowing quite what to do, I took it.
    When we were out of earshot of Prit, I turned to him, "I thought you were meant to call me."
                     "I was, but I've been working a lot, and had meetings in the city the last two nights. I didn't think you'd appreciate being a late night booty call."
                      "You're right there."
                      He took me to a little bistro in the arcade, and found us a table. After we had ordered, he sat, playing with my fingers across the table.
                      "Can I see you tonight? We can go out or something, only I'm gonna be away this weekend, and I don't want to wait another week."
                      I relaxed. Busy I could understand. "You could have text me. I thought you didn't want to see me anymore." Why did I say that? Elle, you are being needy, snap out of it girl.
                      "Why would I not want to see you? I thought we had a great time together." Oscar looked affronted.
                      "Yeah, we did." I smiled at him, trying to forget two days of wondering why he hadn't called.
                      "You could always come to Sussex with me this weekend. I don't have anything going on down there. Next weekend would be better as I've got a bunch of friends coming to stay for a weekend shoot."
                      "James is back Saturday, and I'd really like to be there. Next weekend sounds fun, but I don't shoot."
                       "I'll teach you. I'm having about ten people stay. We shoot clay pigeons, then get drunk. It'll be a blast."
                       "Ok, next weekend it is then."
    Our food arrived, and we began to eat. Oscar looked thoughtful. He put his fork down and stared at me. "This thing with James, you are just friends?"
                     "Of course we're just friends, or rather, flatmates. I have no interest in him sexually, and I don't think he sees me that way either. He's a nice guy, and a good friend, that's all." Oscar seemed satisfied with my answer, and resumed eating.
                     We chatted easily for the rest of our meal. Oscar seemed to have loosened up around me, and made me laugh with his impression of the pompous arses he had dinner with at mansion house the previous evening. I went back to work considerably more cheerful, and got my head down to work without further issue.
                     He picked me up at half seven that evening, and took me to Ronnie Scott's. we had a gorgeous meal, and I

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