Trick (Master's Boys)

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Book: Trick (Master's Boys) by Patricia Logan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Patricia Logan
vinaigrette and almonds, tangerines, pomegranate , and olives. Next he ordered the garlic hummus with pita bread and kalamata olives , and then for their main course, he ordered them rib eye burgers with bacon and rice crusted onion rings. When they had polished off all the food, Wade stopped him when he went to order dessert.
    " I ' m about to burst, Phoenix. This was amazing but I can ' t possibly eat another thing. If you want to order for yourself, please do , but I ' m stuffed, " Wade said. Phoenix smiled and reached out, caressing the boy ' s cheek.
    " You look tired. Are you, Wade ? " Phoenix asked. He watched the boy nod , a nd then Phoenix turned, located their waiter , and flagged him down. He asked for the check , and after paying it, he took Wade ' s hand and exited the restaurant. Phoenix was very comfortable in his own skin. He couldn ' t care less what people thought of two men holding hands as he walked Wade out to the Mercedes. They did get a few of the crazy glances but he brushed them off, not giving a whit.
    Once he had Wade at home, he helped him to undress and tucked the boy in, climbing in beside Wade after he ' d removed his clothing. He had an apartment , and he hadn ' t been home since he ' d met Wade , but honestly, he didn ' t mind spending time with Wade until the boy felt secure. Wade rolled into Phoenix ' s arms as soon as he climbed into the bed, cuddling against his chest , and within a few minutes, his deep even breathing told Phoenix that he was asleep.
    The next morning , Trick woke to a warm caress on his bottom.
    " I have some arnica cream for you, honey, " the Dom said. Trick felt something cool and wet on his butt as Phoenix rubbed something over him. " It will help with any residual sting from yesterday. " Trick watched his face as the Dom concentrated on covering him with the scented cream. Suddenly, he smelled the fragrant b ag that sat on his bed table and recognized the Starbucks cup beside it. He sat up in bed and then winced when he felt the tenderness on his bottom from the spanking the night before . Phoenix grinned at him.
    " Pumpkin bread and fresh cranberry lemon scones, " he said, waving the bag. Trick reached for the bag and opened it as Phoenix sat on the bed watching him. Trick reached in and pulled out a scone, holding it to his nose and inhaling the lemony good scent. He loved sweets , and had he not been so stuffed from the delicious meal last night, he would have loved to have had dessert. This more than made up for it , and he smiled as he held the scone out to Phoenix. Phoenix shook his head.
    " No, no, boy, those are for you, " the big Dom said. " I need to fatten you up. You ' ve already gained a little weight but you need to eat all you can hold. Your health is of great importance to me. " Trick wondered at that statement. He was trying his best not to fall hard and fast for this Dom, but Phoenix wasn ' t making it easy. His kindness and thoughtfulness and his offer of a place to sleep away from the greasy rats and filth on the streets in exchange for great sex and amazing orgasms wasn ' t something to be take n lightly. Trick wondered where he would be right now if Phoenix hadn ' t driven up in the tricked out Mercedes on that rainy morning and rolled a tinted window down, changing his life. He surely wouldn ' t be here in this amazing bed that smelled of lavender and their sex , and he surely wouldn ' t be feeling the full belly from the amazing food that Phoenix had fed him over the last couple of days. He bit into the scone and his eyes rolled back in his head as t he flavor exploded on his tongue.
    " After you shower, I have a scene planned out for your training, Wade . I think you ' ll really like this one, " Phoenix said. Trick looked at him and smiled at the amusement twinkling in his eyes. He had no doubt he would like anything that Phoenix dealt out to him. He couldn ' t wait to get back into the playroom and find out just what Phoenix had

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