Keeping Katie

Free Keeping Katie by Angela Castle

Book: Keeping Katie by Angela Castle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Angela Castle
seeing Jack's naked form and his incredibly long, hard cock bobbing up and down.

    The bed was soft and scented with musky masculine smells, much like she had smelled on Jack. On the end of the bed Katie noticed some clothes. Katie pushed herself forward reaching for them before climbing off the bed to slip them on. They too smelled like Jack. Katie glanced around the room and realized this was Jack Cullen's bedroom.

    Clothed and bare foot, she went in search of Jordan and Jack. She wanted some painkillers and an explanation as to what the hell was going on.

    Softly, she pulled open the door. She could hear male voices coming from down the hall, and silently she padded forward. Katie held her breath as she listened in on the conversation. From her spot in the shadows she could see the two men clearly.

    "I'm not going to lie to her, Jack." Jordan was standing at the kitchen counter. Jack was standing close behind him. Katie noticed Jack was slightly taller than Jordan.
    She blinked in surprise and watched in heated fascination as Jack leaned forward and kissed Jordan on the back of the neck. Jordan closed his eyes, enjoying Jack's kiss, leaning back into him. Jack rubbed Jordan's shoulders as he continued to trail kisses over his neck to the collar of his shirt.

    "No one has to lie. She's a smart woman. She will figure it out on her own," said Jack.

    Several emotions rolled through Katie, confusion being the strongest. The second was betrayal that Jordan hadn't told her he was involved with someone, yet she was incredibly turned on by witnessing the intimate touches and kisses between the two men.

    Taking a step back, Katie paused, let out a slow breath and tried to make sense of what she had seen and heard. The coward in her was telling her to get out of there and quickly. Yet, she couldn't will her feet to move. She didn't want to run. She wanted to stay, and more than that she needed to know what was going on. Despite everything she had seen, she still wanted Jordan and Jack, for that matter. The shock of wanting two men took a long moment to wear down. Was she evil and wicked for thinking such things? She didn't know.

    Summoning some inner courage, she decided she was going to stand up and face what she didn't understand. She wanted clear facts before making the decision to bolt.

    Okay, one fact was that Jordan and Jack weren't gay. They had both come on to her.
    Both had kissed her. More than likely they were bisexual. Jordan had come so close to fucking her. She suspected there was something more going on with Jordan than she could figure out. But Jack had been a total surprise, coming across as a man who regularly seduced women. He was Jordan's lover. She couldn't deny being strongly attracted to Jack just as much as she was to Jordan.

    She swallowed, remembering the fantastic orgasm Jordan had given her in the hall by the bathroom door. Katie shook her head, but the throbbing pain wasn't making it any easier to think clearly. She drew in a deep breath, slowly letting it out, steeling herself to face the two men. She reached out to the door handle and made a production of closing the bedroom door. She wanted to warn them she was coming before she walked down the hall and into view.

    Jack had a sheepish grin on his face, and Jordan was frowning. They had moved apart. Jack's gaze swept over her as if he liked seeing her in his clothes.

    "Hello, kitten," purred Jack, making her pulse jump. Involuntarily she felt the heat rise to her cheeks.

    "Katie, are you all right? How are you feeling?" Jordan came around to take her hand, leading her to a seat at the table.

    "Like I got smacked on the back of the head with a sledge hammer. Do you have any painkillers?"

    "I'll get some. Stay right here, sweetheart, and you behave," he shot Jack a pointed glare before turning to race down the hall. She wanted to laugh despite the throbbing pain at the back of her skull.

    "Guess it's a small world after all, hey kitten."

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