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Book: Tainted by Jamie Begley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jamie Begley
the bathroom.
    She took a drink of water as she tore her gaze away from the closed door.
    “You doing okay?” Ax asked, sitting down on the arm of her chair.
    “Yes, you did great tonight , Ax.” She smiled at the band member who she felt the most relaxed with as he sprawled his long legs out in front of him.
    “I thought most bands left after the concert?” Sawyer asked the question that had been on her mind since the first concert.
    “Most do, but I suppose we stay because we started out playing in local bars and would hang out afterward, and due to the fact that we’re touring so heavily right now, it gives us a break from the bus.” His eyes smiled into hers, making her aware he had known what had caught her attention before he had sat down. “Besides, D-mon and Sin like to unwind after a show, so unless we stay at a hotel, they do their socializing before we get back on the bus.”
    Sawyer actually understood . While the bus was opulently furnished, and the most had been made of the space, it was still confining, especially with so many people on board.
    “It’s going to be nice to take a break and sleep in an actual bed for a week ,” Ax confided.
    “You’re not missing your family ?”
    “My parents are both in Australia , so I would spend more time traveling, which I’m sick of right now.”
    The bathroom door opened and the woman came out , flushed, and with her hair a mess, while both Sin and D-mon returned with a more relaxed air about them.
    “I guess that means we can go ,” Ax said, starting to stand.
    “Kaden and you don’t meet and greet the locals?” Sawyer felt herself turning red when he hesitated , staring down at her.
    “No , we don’t do quickies,” he said with a wicked grin before leaving.
    Just then, Alec motioned to her and she rose to her feet. I’m really beginning to feel like a lapdog , she thought resentfully.
    The crowd outside the arena had thinned , so it wasn’t an ordeal to pass through the door to get back on the bus. Sawyer went directly back to her room, tired tonight. They had taken an extra encore tonight, plus hung out a couple of hours. She wanted to shower and climb into bed.
    Unfortunately , Kaden was a few steps behind her, his hand preventing her from shutting the door.
    “I need to take a shower ,” Kaden said, coming into the room. Sawyer took a step back, letting him enter.
    He went to the closet , gathered his clothes and went into the bathroom without a backward glance. Sawyer stuck her tongue out at the door then, feeling childish at her response, she flipped on the television.
    She had watched more television the last few weeks than she had in years. If she didn’t find something to occupy her mind soon , she was going to scream. The bus jarred slightly then quit. The bathroom door opened and Kaden came out, making Sawyer get to her feet to use the restroom, using the opportunity to escape his presence while he finished dressing. At that moment, the bus gave a loud pop and swerved.
    Sawyer lost her balance , putting her hands out to stop herself from falling at the same time that Kaden reached out, managing to grab her just as the bus swerved again, sending them both to the floor. Sawyer landed heavily on top of Kaden, fearing they were about to crash, and then was relieved when the bus came to a stop.
    “What happened?” Sawyer gasped , staring down into Kaden’s eyes.
    “I’d say we ha ve a flat,” Kaden answered, staring up at her.
    Sawyer started to get to her feet , aware of his large body lying underneath hers; however, a hand on the back of her neck stopped her.
    “What’s your hurry?” Kaden gave her what she was sure was a smile that landed him in many women’s bed s.
    “ I— is this you flirting with me?”
    His hand on the back of her neck start ed caressing the sensitive skin.
    “And if I am?” Again came the insincere smile meant to turn her bones to water.
    “ T — t hen I’d say don’t waste your time.” Sawyer

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