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Book: Tainted by Jamie Begley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jamie Begley
clamored to her feet, making sure her elbow jabbed into his ribs.
    Kaden winced as he got to his own feet. “Why?”
    Sawyer ’s mouth dropped open, and then she closed it with a snap. “I don’t know, maybe because you wouldn’t let me leave when I wanted to. It’s called kidnapping.”
    “We’ve worked that all out.” She couldn’t believe the arrogant man thought that she would just forget that he hadn’t let her go.
    “This conversation is over. It just shows how big an ass you are.” Sawyer turned to go into the bathroom, giving him a disgusted look.
    The anger that came over his face had Sawyer realizing a man like Kaden could take no for a n answer, but challenging him was a different matter.
    He moved to block her path. “Exactly what should I have done , Sawyer? Let you call the police so those other women Redman has could disappear? Or open the door and let you leave and give Redman the opportunity to have you before you managed to take two steps out the hotel door?” His lean body came nearer to hers, forcing her to move backwards until she came up against the edge of the bed. Sawyer forced herself to stay still.
    “ Y— you could have given me the c— choice.”
    “You weren’t making good decisions . You’re still not.”
    “How am I not making good decisions , Kaden?” Sawyer got right back in his face. “Because I don’t let you fuck me like those airheads begging for dick back at the arena? If you needed to get laid, you should have taken a turn with D-mon and Sin or taken Alyce up on what she’s been throwing at you.”
    “Why should I stand in line or have what I’ve already had, when I have you staring at me all the time. If you want to find out what you’ve been imagining, then all you have to do is ask.”
    Sawyer’s hand flew out , striking him across his face. Her anger and embarrassment making her react without thinking.
    “You know what really makes me angry?” Kaden ’s face turned stone cold. “When women want to hit men and not expect the same.” Sawyer’s face paled as he jerked her to him; her breasts pressed flat against his chest. “And I really don’t like it when they do it because they don’t like that I’m telling them the truth and don’t want to fucking admit it.”
    “ I— I don’t want you,” Sawyer denied.
    “Prove it.”
    Sawyer wanted to smack him again, but decided not to press her luck. “Fuck off.” She moved to go around him, and this time, he didn’t move to block her path.
    “Chicken.” It wasn’t a question ; it was a statement.
    Sawyer swung angrily back around to face him. “I’m not afraid of you, Kaden.”
    “I don’t doubt you, by the way you just smacked me. What I was referring to was to you wanting to fuck me.” His attitude was bringing out the ginger in her.
    “Read my lips , you arrogant ass, I do not want you.”
    “Prove it.” Sawyer put her hands in her jeans pockets , not sure she could restrain herself from strangling the man. “It’s okay, Sawyer. A lot of women have a problem resisting me.”
    Before she could stop herself , she took a step forward, pressing herself against him, her arms going around his neck. Dragging his head down to hers, she plastered her lips to his. The kiss was brief and passionless as his lips remained unresponsive and closed.
    Sawyer didn’t have a lot of experience with different men , but she had considered herself fairly good at kissing. Now she began to doubt herself as her tongue teased the seam of his lips and he still didn’t let her deepen the kiss. Kaden lifted his mouth from her exploring lips, moving away.
    “You’ve proven you r point. I’ll let you get your shower now. See you in the morning.”
    Confused , Sawyer stared at him,biting her lip. “ I— I don’t understand.” She wanted to take back her words as soon as she spoke, but Kaden paused before walking back to her.
    “Did you want me to respond or did you just want to prove that you could make

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