again.” He stepped out into the hallway, the door ajar. “Good night, Lil,” he said, closing the door behind him.
    “Good night.” She doubted he heard her. She reached above her bed, glad there was a light switch. She flipped it off, masking the room in total darkness. Lil climbed farther beneath the covers. She rested her head back and shut her eyes. Tomorrow was going to be a long day.
    Lil awoke to the sound of a soft rap against the bedroom door. “Come in,” she said, flipping on the light above her bed. Squinting as her eyes adjusted, Jamie walked into her room.
    “I’m sorry,” he apologized. “I know you were sleeping.” He paused for a long moment before adding. “I’m nervous about tomorrow.”
    “Me too,” Lil patted the empty space on the mattress beside her. “Sit with me.”
    Jamie closed the door behind him, before climbing onto her bed. “Do you think Eilith is hurting them?” His brow furrowed in concern.
    “I know my friend Bray is strong, and if your sister is anything like I am, she’s not going to give up.”
    “She’s a fighter.”
    “Then, you have nothing to worry about. Tomorrow we’ll rescue your sister and my friend. We’ll all be able to go home and live happily ever after,” she joked.
    Jamie stared at her, confused. “Happily ever what?”
    Were there no fairytales in Orenda? “A happy ending to our story, that’s what I’m hoping we’ll have tomorrow night.”
    Jamie’s eyes lit up. “Oh! Willow used to read to me when I was little, before bed. Now she shoves the book at me and tells me to read it myself.”
    Lil laughed. “Sounds like something I’d say to my sister.” The room grew silent. Her stomach knotted thinking about her younger sister and her parents. They’d worry about her being gone without calling. There wasn’t much she could do about it though. Her cell phone didn’t work in Orenda.
    “Do you get along with your sister?” Jamie asked.
    Lil’s eyes stared down at the quilt on the bed. “I’ve always found her to be annoying, but I do miss her.”
    “Annoying, how?”
    “She teases me all the time, especially about Bray. Do you bother your sister a lot?”
    “Of course not!” Jamie beamed. “I love her. I’d never annoy her.”
    Lil imagined that was what her sister would say too. It brought a faint smile to her face. “Are you feeling a little better?” She hoped having someone to talk with helped ease his fears.
    “Thanks, Lil.” He climbed down from the mattress and walked to the door. Jamie turned around as his hand landed on the doorknob. “Your friend, Bray, he’ll be okay.”
    When Lil rolled over, the bright pink morning light streamed through the sheer white curtains. It no longer seemed as strange as it had the first time she’d seen it, but still she buried her head beneath the pillows, wishing she was back in her own bed at home. She pushed the pillow aside and groaned in frustration. Too bad it wasn't all a nightmare. She sat up and changed back into her clothes from yesterday. At least they fit her. Later they would probably make her dress in the eternal suit, but until that time came, she'd enjoy her comfortable jeans and super soft t-shirt.
    Lil stepped out from her bedroom and glanced down the hall. It was eerily silent. If what Hudson said was true and Rawlie was in love with Willow, then he wouldn't put off finding her any longer. He was in this as much as she was, though for different reasons.
    Lil headed down the stairs to the main floor. She walked into the kitchen, hoping to fix herself cereal for breakfast. Pushing the door open, her eyes widened upon seeing everyone else already awake. “You guys are up early.”
    Arianna sat at the counter along with Jamie. Hudson and Rawlie were attempting to make something, though Lil had no idea what it was. Flour littered the floor, the counter, and their faces.
    Arianna grinned. “It was my idea to let you sleep in this morning. I thought you could

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