Rawlie rolled his eyes with a faint smile. “I grew up down under and came to visit my aunt and cousin eight years ago. It happened to be the same time Eilith opened Pandora's box and gained power. There were no returning flights and no airports after she destroyed everything.”
    “Do you think your family is still alive back home?” Lil was surprised there was an Australia in this parallel world. Orenda didn’t seem nearly as different geographically as she first thought.
    “I don't usually have the opportunity to think such things. I spent the last eight years helping Willow raise Jamie; he was just two when his parents died.”
    “They're dead?” She let out a soft breath, shocked by the news. “That's why the photographs in the house are different.” Her heart was heavy just thinking that her parents—Willow’s parents—had passed in this world. Even though Lil's parents were safe and well back home, the thought saddened her. She reached into her pocket, to find her phone. She wasn't getting a signal, not that she expected to find one here.
    “What's that?” Rawlie asked, seeing the small device in her palm.
    “My phone?” She glanced at him, amused. “I guess it doesn't work in Orenda—you must not have cell towers. Or cell phones, it seems. It's how we communicate with each other back home.”
    “I've never seen anything like it. Give it to Hudson—he might be able to do something if your friend Bray has one as well.”
    “He does. Everyone back home has one.” Lil's eyes lit up. At least there was a chance she could contact her best friend, even if it was slim. “If he brought it with him, would his phone need to be modified too?”
    “Yes, but if he's with Willow, she could handle it,” Rawlie said.
    “Good.” Lil let out an anxious breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding. The kitchen door swung open hard as Hudson stalked into the room. “Hey,” Lil said, her face cheerful and smiling. “I need a favor.”
    “Who doesn't?” Hudson asked. “What do you need?”
    “Rawlie said you might be able to modify my phone.” Lil slid the phone across the countertop. Hudson stepped closer.
    Hudson shot Rawlie a brief glance. “What is this?”
    Lil answered, “It's how we communicate with one another, back in my world—you guys really don’t have phones? Bray should have his, too, and I was hoping we could contact him with this, though I don’t have a signal here.”
    Hudson picked up the device and flipped it over, examining it. “It's not that simple. Did he tell you it would be?” He pointed at his cousin.
    “Don't underestimate yourself.” Rawlie smiled. “I bet you can fix it.”
    “Say I can . . . What do I get for my troubles?” Hudson asked. He glanced from Rawlie back to Lil, the question in her hands.
    “I don't—I don't know. I don't have anything. I left my school bag back at the Porter's house. I am going to rescue Willow. Isn't that enough?” It was why they'd brought her to Orenda.
    “Suppose I'll do it out of the goodness of my heart.” Hudson reached across the table and pocketed the phone. “I'll have it to you by the end of the night.”
    Eilith escorted Bray and Willow from the apothecary to their sleeping quarters on the third floor. There were two cots and two cold meals waiting for them. A tiny square window offered a hint of moonlight into their room. Bray hoped the window would offer some form of escape, but it was far too small, and still much too high.
    The sleeping arrangements were better than he expected. They both had been provided cots to sleep on, instead of the gray cobblestone floor that needed a good cleaning. The blanket was scratchy, but warm, and the pillows were surprisingly decent—soft, plush, and comfortable.
    He sat at the edge of his cot. Hungrily, he ate every bite of his soup and bread. More than anything, he was grateful for the mug of water. Crushing bones had equated to hard labor.
    Willow did the same, finishing

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