Tatted Cowboy

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Book: Tatted Cowboy by Kasey Millstead Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kasey Millstead
door, judging whether I can make it across the room and out the door.  My skin feels like it’s on fire.  He is standing so close to me, so close, but he’s not touching me.  There is a breath of air between us.  I want him to crash into me, pin me to the wall and have his way with me.
    No, I don’t. I want him to step back. Away from me.  I can’t handle the heat.  My body throbs as his eyes pierce into me.
    “Tickling,” he whispers, his breath skating over my skin.
    “Huh?”  I frown.  My brain feels foggy.  I don’t know what he’s talking about.
    “Tickling someone is funny.”  His eyes sparkle with mischief and then he steps back, but not for long.  Leaning down, his shoulder meets my stomach and he boosts me up over him. 
    “Argh!  Luke!  Luke.  Put me down,” I screech, my fingers digging into the back of his solid thighs.  His arse is right in front of my face and God , I want to take a bite of it!
    He shifts my body and then I’m flying through the air.  I land on the mattress and then he’s straddling me.  He waggles his fingers over me.  “Ready?”
    “No.  Luke.  Don’t tickle me.”  I try to speak sternly but I can’t help my laughter.
    His fingers make contact with my ribs and he tickles the living shit out of me.  I squirm, trying to get away from him, but I can’t move.  I thrash about, all the while laughing uncontrollable.
    “Stop.  Mercy, please, stop.  I’m gonna pee,” I finally cry out.
    He stops immediately.
    “Best sound in the world,” he whispers in my ear.  “Now, go pee. Wouldn’t want you to ruin your mattress.” He goes to shift off me, but stops, hovering above me.  His arms hold his weight beside my head.  His knees are bent, pressing against my side.  A look I can’t decipher flashes across his face as he stares deep into my eyes.  And, then he’s gone and my entire body shivers, cold from the loss of his heat.
    I stand, straightening my top and trying to gather my thoughts.
    “There’re a few more boxes.  I’ll go get them in and then I’ll hang those curtains while you make the bed.”
    “Yep.”  I turn and walk into the bathroom attached to my bedroom.  Splashing my face with cold water, I again, tell myself to act my age.  It’s almost laughable, the effect he’s having on me.  How ridiculous is it that someone I’ve just met can control my emotions the way he can.  Maybe that’s what lust is. Maybe it has that effect on everyone.  I’ve never felt lust this strong before, but there’s always that possibility.
    No matter what the cause, I need to set some clear boundaries.  I need to explain to Luke that friendship is all I can offer.  We won’t be acting on the lust-filled thoughts I keep having.
    Oh god.  A thought occurs to me. What if I’m the only one having these thoughts?  What if, in my lust-induced haze, I’ve completely imagined every blaze of heat I’ve seen in his eyes?
    I never have been that good at reading people. 
    I look at myself in the mirror as I contemplate.  My teeth sink into my bottom lip and his words pop into my head.
    ‘Because I want to do it.’
    I’m so confused.  Maybe I just need to take a step back and just relax.  Stop worrying about everything.
    Just take one minute at a time.   Words from my counsellor after I lost Gus ring in my ears and I realize that’s exactly what I need to do.  I just need to take one minute at a time and stop thinking about the future.
    “This house is beautiful.  You did good. I can’t wait to see the salon, darlin’.”
    “Thanks, Mum.”  I take a bite of my pizza, chew and swallow before continuing.  “I’ll take you and Dad down in the morning, if you like.  I took before and after pictures, but they’re in a box somewhere.”  I grimace.
    “Tomorrow’s great. We’re here until Sunday or Monday.  Give you a chance to put your father to use.” 
    “Sounds good. I have some picture hanging he can do

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