The Midnight Rake

Free The Midnight Rake by Anabelle Bryant

Book: The Midnight Rake by Anabelle Bryant Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anabelle Bryant
second thought? Likely every flirtatious debutante in London offered him their adoration.
    She stole another glance beneath lowered lashes. His wavy brown hair was combed away from his face to lend him a boyish look, while broad, strong shoulders filled his navy blue waistcoat marking him all man. Penelope averted her eyes to where a perfectly folded cravat brushed his chin. He had the nicest cleft there. If only she could reach across and touch the indentation, feel the roughened dip of skin, appreciate the strength of such a sturdy attractive chin. It somehow made her feel safe. Could a facial feature do that? His amber eyes glistened in the lantern light whenever he turned to speak. She blinked hard to stifle her preoccupation, then recited a silent litany of self-admonishment to quiet the bevy of butterflies come to life in her stomach.
    It was all for naught, to notice and memorize each of his features as if it would matter in the end. How wonderful to live in his home and become acquainted with his family, and to stop worrying about the rent or sufficient food for their meals. Oh, it was the least she owed Aubry. But in regard to Phineas, she squelched any hope. She was nothing more than the eldest daughter of a country baron and penniless to boot. Once the extent of her mistakes became known, he would be forced to distance himself or run the risk of shameful embarrassment. The realization that she might cause the Betcham family discomfiture threatened to surface but she declined to let it take hold.
    “Do you think it will be a large crush?” Her voice broke on the words. She hoped her tangled rush of emotions didn’t show in her eyes.
    “I am sure of it and that reminds me.” He picked up the split seat of the bench, removed a small box and opened it to reveal several masks and dominoes.
    “I wasn’t sure what color you would be wearing this evening so I purchased one in every hue.”
    He offered her the box and she took it to her lap. Every mask appeared lovelier than the next, the decision difficult, until she selected a gold and green pairing accented with peacock feathers. With the patterned silk of her gown, she knew it presented the perfect match.
    “Which will you wear?” She handed him the box and waited for his answer. He chuckled, a warm rich sound, much like the hot chocolate she drank when she was a child.
    “I’m not a participant when it comes to the masquerading aspect of the evening. My mother attempts to convince me every year, but I’m not one to play at idle games.”
    “Don’t you find the masquerading amusing? The idea of dancing and socializing while hidden behind a mask sounds enthralling. And tonight, it serves my purpose well. I noticed a solid blue mask near the bottom of the pile. It would complement your suit.” She looked up at him with a hopeful note in her voice.
    Phin’s amber eyes locked to hers, his expression unreadable. When he did not reply, she replaced the lid on the box, but he stalled her hand. His grasp, incredibly strong, awoke an unbidden spark of desire that intensified the intimate confines of the carriage.
    “Far be it from me to ruin your fun.” His low murmur whispered through the shadowy lantern light. “Tonight, for you, I will make an exception.” Then he winked at her and she forgot to breathe.
    With purposeful fingers he removed the blue domino and placed it on the bench. Penelope detected an approximation of indecision and wondered at his odd expression. Did he hold his own secret? Or worse, did she look too deeply, tainted by her experience and wary of everyone since Simon played her false? All her misery began and ended with that one despicable individual.
    “I am hopeful I will be able to locate the person I seek this evening. Imagine my good fortune if it should all prove so easy.” She tried to sound as if her future did not depend on it.
    “I will assist you in any manner I am able.”
    He appeared relaxed again, his eyes sincere.

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