Keys To Her Heart (Brookfield)

Free Keys To Her Heart (Brookfield) by Lacey Wolfe

Book: Keys To Her Heart (Brookfield) by Lacey Wolfe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lacey Wolfe
    Bo nodded again, obviously not a big talker. Cody was surprised he wasn’t spewing excuses like most people did.
    Seth slid into the booth. “You got money?”
    Bo shook his head, keeping his gaze on the table.
    The young man had a foul stench coming from him, and Cody bet he didn’t have a home.
    Seth continued, “You don’t go into places and expect a free hand out. You’ve got to pay for the food. Sounds like you got a lot. How do you plan on paying?”
    Bo shrugged and stared out the window.
    “Are you homeless?” Cody asked.
    Bo continued to gaze outside.
    Cody and Seth shared a look. They knew the young man couldn’t pay for the food and needed help. Every now and then someone homeless came into Brookfield. Cody wanted to see the young man get back on his feet and get a fresh start to life.
    “How about a deal?” Cody cleared his throat. “I’ll pay for your food, but I need some help around my yard. Get some tree branches trimmed back and bushes cut before winter hits. Think you can help me with that?”
    Bo looked up at Cody, relief on his face. “You’d do that?”
    “I would. However, I can’t stop this place from pressing charges if they want.”
    “He’s offered you a good deal,” Seth said. “I’d take it. If you do, I’ll have a talk with the owner. Today’s a fresh start, and you’ve stumbled into the right town.”
    “What do you say?” Cody hoped he’d say yes.
    “I can do that,” Bo’s expression hopeful.
    Cody walked over to the register where Kathy, and now Lily, stood. “I’ll get his meal.”
    Kathy raised an eyebrow. “You’re too soft.”
    “I think it’s sweet,” Lily added.
    “He’s not getting off scot-free. He’s coming to do yard work at my house.” Cody chuckled. “You should see my yard.” He handed Kathy his credit card, then slid it into his pocket when she handed it back. He signed the receipt. Forty dollars. Jeez, that guy must’ve been starving.
    He glanced back at Seth, who seemed to be having a serious talk with Bo. Hopefully they’d find a place to get him set up for the night to get a hot shower and a warm bed.
    “That really was kind of you.” Lily came around and stood next to him.
    “Just doing what I should for someone in need.”
    She sucked in her bottom lip. “Sorry I didn’t text you back. I got busy.”
    She was always busy. He was beginning to think this wasn’t the woman for him. “Look, if you don’t want to see me, its fine. My cards are on the table. I want to see you seriously, but if friendship is all we can have, then so be it. Just tell me what it is you’re wanting so I can get my feelings in check.”
    “My life is…I don’t know.” She toyed her fingers together in front of her apron.
    What didn’t she know? He was getting tired of the signals this woman gave off. “Either we make it work or we don’t. I’m not going to require your attention twenty-four seven. I can deal with you having a life.”
    She sighed and he could tell she was hesitant. He was ready to walk away and tell her not to worry about, but then she touched his arm.
    “I’d like to try.”
    Hot diggity dog! She wanted to date. His good deed was being rewarded. “That makes me happy.”
    “Lily, table four needs you,” Kathy called from the frontline.
    She grinned and stared at him with sultry eyes. “Duty calls.”
    “I’ll call you tonight, if that’s okay.”
    “I’d like that.” Then she shocked him even more when she leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on his cheek, then strutted away.
    Seth smirked, but didn’t say anything as Cody joined him and Bo. Seth was going to bring Bo back to the station then they’d make a few calls to find somewhere for him to stay. All Cody could think about was Lily. Were the games finally over so they could move forward into a relationship?

    Chapter Eight
    “I should not be rewarding you with ice cream.” Lily held the door open as Gunther exited the ice cream shop.

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