Mine: A Stepbrother Romance: (With bonus novel Bossy!)

Free Mine: A Stepbrother Romance: (With bonus novel Bossy!) by Kim Linwood

Book: Mine: A Stepbrother Romance: (With bonus novel Bossy!) by Kim Linwood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kim Linwood
local property law, she shouldn’t have had the legal right to transfer it to the Campbells. It was never hers to begin with.
    It was mine.
    The camera crew starts to circle, and in a second I see why. Hunter strolls out of the house, gorgeous as always. His deliciously worn jeans hang low, and his white linen shirt is untucked with enough buttons open to show off his chest. On some guys it would look cheap, but he owns it. His every move screams self-confidence.
    He smiles, walking around the tables and making conversation. A shoulder touch here. A whisper in the ear there. His eyes lock with mine as he dips down to say something to Bianca. She puts a hand on his arm and laughs.
    Jealousy rears its ugly green head. I look away.
    Slowly, chair by chair, he comes closer to our table until he kneels down between me and Amanda. “So how are my two favorite castaways today?”
    Amanda giggles. “Much better, thanks to you.”
    “And you, Sarah? Sleep well, I hope?” He cups my hand, lightly stroking just behind where my thumb and index finger meet. I feel it all the way down to my toes.
    The cameras are on, so I can’t tell him to go jump off a cliff. I duck my head, knowing I’m blushing and go with it. Tucking a lock of hair behind my ear, I pull my bottom lip between my teeth, letting it pop back out, plump and red. “Everything’s been wonderful, Hunter, but it’s so hot at night.” My fingers trail over my collarbone, fiddling with the pendant that hangs down between my breasts. “It’s so cold back home, and I didn’t pack anything light enough.” I lean forward to whisper so nobody else can hear. “It’s a good thing you didn’t come knocking. Who knows what you might’ve seen.”
    The corner of his mouth twitches. He probably knows I’m playing it up for the cameras, but his eyes darken, and I see him swallow. “Sorry to hear that. I know of a perfect solution, but I’d have to show you.” Hunter picks a banana fig off my plate and peels it, one slow strip after another, while watching my face with a sexy, mischievous grin.
    It’s my turn to swallow, but I keep my head cool enough to quickly dart my hand out just as he finishes peeling to take it back. “Stop taking my food.”
    He laughs, then suddenly goes quiet as I suck the tip into my mouth. His eyes widen even more than his grin does. I hold for just second, making sure he’s watching, then I take a hard enough bite that the clack of my teeth is audible, then chew while raising an eyebrow at him.
    He winces, but the smile never leaves his face. Raising his hand to his mouth, he makes a point of licking the residual sweetness off his fingers while I finish my reclaimed piece of fruit. Even after he’s risen to move on, he throws me stormy glances over his shoulder.
    Amanda looks at me suspiciously, and Megan’s jaw is practically on the table. My face is on fire, but I want to laugh out loud.
    At first, I was relieved he didn’t recognize me, but hurt at the same time. Now, I’m kinda starting to love it. I can be as flirty as I want, without all of the baggage. This can’t last, but for now I can pretend.
    And boy is pretending fun.
    Hunter finishes his rounds, then joins Blaze near the end of the terrace. They stand together, blue sky and jungle trees behind them like a postcard.
    “Ladies and gentlemen. Well, gentleman , I should say!” He pauses, and a few of us laugh nervously since it seems to be expected. “Yesterday, you all escaped the bitter taste of defeat due to special circumstances, but today we’re making up for it. If you want a chance at staying in the game and spending your life in paradise, you’re going to have to get your hands dirty.”
    I have a bad feeling about this.
    “And speaking of playing dirty, the winner of today’s contest will also get something special. We’re not telling you what it is until the end, but I’ll promise you this, it’ll be good.”
    A buzz of excited whispers spreads before

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