Blood Ties

Free Blood Ties by Cathryn Fox

Book: Blood Ties by Cathryn Fox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cathryn Fox
opened her mouth, he answered her unasked question. “Greater strength than you have now, Dari.” She nodded in understanding and waited for him to continue. “There are even reports of some being able to move through crowds with such incredible speed, they can travel undetected. This is why the government set up a task force to kill our kind. We were nothing more than Grayson’s puppets put on Earth to do his bidding.”
    “And when two Nallie combine blood, they are gifted with the ability to transcend time but death is a possible price?”
    “Yes, from what I understand the energy created is extremely volatile, and can burn and destroy everything in its path, including the creators of the energy.”
    Soft footsteps heralded Ayden’s arrival. She turned to face the doorway and spotted Ayden entering the room. His eyes were soft, curious, as he glanced around taking in the scene before him.
    Dari walked over and stood before him. “Thank you for rescuing me.”
    He smiled and touched her arm. She felt all the tension drain from her. “How do you do that?” Perhaps the ability to drain away tension was also another special power. But he couldn’t possibly be Nallie. Literature spoke of only two children being rescued.
    Ayden answered her question with one of his own. “Do you feel any different, Dari?”
    “Yes,” she admitted.
    “Now that you have seen the battle and know what you are, your powers will begin to grow stronger. But that also puts you in grave danger.”
    “I understand.”
    Ayden glanced at Mikel. “You two need time alone. I will leave now and when I come back I’ll bring clothes for Dari and together we will all work on a strategy to defeat Grayson.”

Chapter Six
    Ayden had increased the power of his mental shield before he left Mikel’s castle and made his way back to his own house in the village. He took his time, pacing his steps as he sorted through matters. Now that Dari and Mikel were together, under the same roof, they would begin to mate, and he hoped their mating would aid them in developing the ability to block their signatures as all other Nallie on his planet had learned to do.
    Centuries previous, a band of Nallie had learned to protect their thoughts from Grayson. During the chaotic battle that Dari so vividly remembered, those Nallie had found the perfect opportunity to flee Earth. With Grayson assuming they’d all been killed, they had no fear he’d go searching for his lost puppets. Ayden, along with a handful of others had traveled to Kelan and colonized. Only a few years back, they had learned Dari and Mikel had survived the battle.
    After making his way to his small room in the village, Ayden positioned himself on his floor, crossed his legs and closed his eyes, focusing his mind on the journey ahead. For the next few minutes, he sifted through time and space. He needed to go back home, talk to the council, and regroup while he gave Mikel and Dari time to acquaint themselves with one another. Soon he felt his body shift, and when he opened his eyes he found himself in his quarters on Kelan.
    There his soul mate awaited his arrival. His heart swelled with love when her warm familiar scent curled around him. Her dark hair was pinned at the nape the way he liked. Her dark almond eyes smoldered with passion and love as they met his. Arms spread, she rose from her seat when he appeared.
    “Ayden, I’ve missed you.” Janaa swung her sleek arms around his neck and kissed him with all the love inside her.
    There was no need to tell her of his adventures, or any of the details, for she had been in his mind the entire time. Experiencing everything through him, with him.
    Pressing his hips to hers, he kissed her in return, matching her intensity and passion. He inched back and whispered into her mouth. “And I’ve missed you, my sweet.”
    Ayden rained kisses over her neck as his hands eagerly palmed her supple curves. His voice dropped an octave as desire stirred in his

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