Birth of the Alliance
the viewscreen, and a sense of wistfulness developed. “It’s hard to believe I might not see this place so often in the future. It’s funny. I lived here almost full time for centuries. But I was so fixated on building this ship that I never really explored this island. There are large parts of it I’ve never seen.” He looked at Hope. “Before we leave this time, I’d love to explore this place and really understand what’s here.”
    Hope's face lit up. “I'd enjoy that. Perhaps we'll discover something amazing. Maybe there’s been an entire tribe of people living here the whole time.” She grinned.
    Will felt a chill at those words, and shivered. “I certainly hope not.” The idea that people had lived on another portion of the island, that he’d never even sensed them, was frightening.
    The submarine surfaced from the deep river water and berthed next to the dock Will had constructed centuries earlier. Both of them teleported to shore, and Will tied the submarine to one of the dock posts. The couple moved into the building that had served as Will's primary home for centuries. It was nearly empty at this point; Will had transported his prototypes, notes, and most of the money he'd removed from his old Aliomenti vaults to the Cavern over the past few decades. The couple moved what remained of Will's possessions into the Nautilus, and then set out on foot upriver.
    Will had focused his minimal exploration downriver, for the focus of his time had been the creation of the submarine and the ability to sail down the river out into the ocean. The river had provided sufficient fish for protein intake, and the downriver trees and fields supplied sufficient fruits and vegetables to round out his nutritional needs. He'd never felt the need to travel upriver, away from the mouth, until now. Now, when it was potentially gone for good? Only now did he look. Perhaps that was the problem with immortality. When you think you have all the time in the world, you put off doing the simple things because you think you’ll always have the time to do them. The only thing immortality granted was the ability to make a longer list of things you regret not doing, and fewer excuses for not doing so.
    The familiar cool breezes of Eden embraced them, bathing them in a fresh, salty scent. The gentle burbling of the river and the more distant roar of the surf created an ambience of peace. Will sighed. If this island was off limits to them one day, it would be a devastating loss.
    They walked for nearly an hour, staying within sight of the river, pointing out the colorful trees and fragrant plants that bloomed on the untouched island. The river began to narrow, and they noted that the river began atop a rocky hill. Of greater interest to them were the dozens of caves with openings yawning on either side of the river, carved into the rocky hill. The river, now no more than a stream, was easily crossable, even without the Energy abilities the couple possessed.
    Will glanced at Hope. “Shall we take the time to explore?”
    Hope nodded, her face brightening. “Let's split up, though. I'll go left, and you go right. We’ll touch base if we find anything interesting in the caves.”
    Hope headed off to the left, hurdling the stream with an easy grace, and entered the first of the caves. Will entered the first cave on the right.
    He was stunned. The walls of the cave were lined with huge, visible veins of gold, most notably along the wall nearest the river. Will gaped. There appeared to be a literal ton of gold in this cave.
    Will spent a few minutes checking out the next three caves in sequence. There was a small quantity of gold in each, though in the caves farthest from the river it was found on the ground, rather than on the walls. Will found that odd. Perhaps a storm or earthquake had shaken the metal loose from the ground.
    Hope! You should come see this. I’m in the fourth cave on the right. Huge amounts of gold. We may need to bring the

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