Rain Falls
    “Now, Zane,” Nike said and looked at her again apologetically. “Better to just rip the Band-Aid off, babe. Intercepted a few emails, it looks like someone got a picture of you in Mexico, he knows you are with the club, and he is gearing up to get you back.”
    This was the first time she smiled. And yeah, it probably looked like she was a bit mental but damn, that was seriously fucking funny. “Get me back?” she laughed and they all frowned and looked at her. “He has no clue who the fuck he is dealing with anymore. He only knows the weak bitch I once was, fuck him. I will meet him on his turf and we will see who the fuck comes out unscathed.”
    Shady slammed her hand down on the table and said, “The fuck you will.”
    Rain shook her head. “You don’t know Zane, I do. I mean yeah, years ago living with him scared the crap outta me. He was mean, he was a bastard, and he beat me down into a weakling. But, guys, I met you. I get I fucked up. I get that I held something from you, but it wasn’t because I was scared of him. I was scared of losing you all. I could give a rat’s ass about him, fuck, with the training I have gotten, I can kick his scrawny, perfectly slicked black haired ass.”
    They all looked surprised. “I thought you were scared of him,” Freedom said softly.
    Rain looked at her, and then stared at each of the women she called sisters and said, “Yeah, I was afraid of you all getting hurt. But honestly, I get what Shay had been trying to say, we have a code, we live it, breathe it, fucking taste it.”
    Shady smiled and then said, “A bitch who is in it for the long run, will stay with you and have your back no matter what.”
    “Well said. But not necessary,” a man’s voice said from behind them and Rain froze, she knew that voice. Fuck.
    The women all looked behind her but Rain didn’t have to, she knew that voice, even though it was one she hadn’t heard in more than five years.

Chapter Nine

    “Okay,” Creed said from the front of the room, they had called a meeting first thing this morning after hearing the women were doing the same. “We need to get ahead of this shit before it comes back to bite us all in the ass.”
    “Shouldn’t we wait for the Lady Riders to be here?” Kink said slowly and looked at Charro and Knight who were looking like they needed a hangover treatment. The two men were silent but listening intently.
    “Normally, I would say yes, but I have a bad feeling about this guy, Zane. Some of the shit we dug up on him doesn’t look good. Plus, Rain is still legally married to the guy, regardless of everything else, things could go real bad if she suddenly has a change of heart,” Creed said and that is when the men exploded.
    “What the fuck?” Knight yelled. “Change her mind? Did you even listen to her?”
    “And besides the fact, she is ours, we claimed her and we will fight for her,” Charro snapped.
    “Yeah, that is what I am talking about,” Creed said quietly. “How will you feel if we sit back and one of the women get hurt?”
    “Uh, you have met Shay right?” Slider snorted.
    Creed grunted. “Yeah and I met Harmony too, and I know she can take care of herself most times. But this guy, Zane, he is connected, and when I say connected, I mean to every fucking body that deals with anything remotely illegal. He runs the West Coast, and apparently, Angel, Rain’s bitch of a half-sister is fast becoming just as powerful in those circles. She has a way with dealing with shit that even I cringe at.”
    “Yeah,” Charro said reluctantly. “But going behind their back like this could cause more of a shitstorm than we want.”
    “My commander used to say, ‘Do what needs to be done, and ask for forgiveness later’, can’t think of a better motto right now to use because when push comes to shove I ain't leaving my woman’s ass out there hanging without me,” Poke said and all the men nodded.
    Knight knew there was no

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