Eat Meat And Stop Jogging: 'Common' Advice On How To Get Fit Is Keeping You Fat And Making You Sick

Free Eat Meat And Stop Jogging: 'Common' Advice On How To Get Fit Is Keeping You Fat And Making You Sick by Mike Sheridan

Book: Eat Meat And Stop Jogging: 'Common' Advice On How To Get Fit Is Keeping You Fat And Making You Sick by Mike Sheridan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mike Sheridan
not) contain foreign proteins and natural defenses that induce inflammation.  Gluten, found in wheat and other grains, is the most common offender. Regardless of whether there’s an obvious allergic reaction (like celiac disease), someone can still experience an immune response to gluten. Several well-respected researchers have suggested that tens of millions of Americans experience this immunogenic response, knowingly or not.  After consuming wheat, or any other gluten containing grain, the immune system releases cytokines to handle the foreign substance and this produces inflammation.  Unfortunately, this immunogenic reaction usually goes unnoticed, and it becomes less and less detectable every time the inflammatory food is consumed.
    Big Jimbo with the ‘Iron Stomach,’ who can eat 12 hot dogs and drink 10 beers and feel fine, is likely in worse shape on the i nside than his outside leads on.
    The signaling from his digestive system turned off a long time ago, and unfortunately he may not experience any real co nsequences until it’s already too late.
    Unfortunately, it’s not just intolerances to immunogenic foods in specific individuals as all grains are suspected to cause inflammation. The fiber from whole grains and their popular flour counterparts are classified as acellular carbohydrates, while fruits and vegetables are known as cellular carbohydrates.  With cellular carbohydrates, the walls of the cells remains intact, so our body needs to effectively breakdown the food (fruit or veg) in order to access the glucose inside.  Conversely, with acellular carbohydrates the cell walls are broken down immediately producing unfriendly bacteria in our gut, and an instant blood sugar response.  This bacteria causes inflammation, while the breakdown of root vegetables, leafy greens, and fruits stimulate beneficial bacteria and no inflammation.  This difference in carbohydrate type is so impactful that groups like the Kitavan Islanders of Oceania can get away with eating a diet as high as 60-70% carbohydrates because they rely solely on cellular options.  When acellular sources are introduced to tribes like the Kitavan (even in very small amounts) it produces extreme inflammation and sensitivity.
    Aside from being a major contributor to most degenerative diseases (cancer, Alzheimer’s, heart disease, etc.), inflammation specific to the gut appears to predict obesity.  DIABESITY (obesity + diabetes) caused by chronic inflammation has been strongly correlated with the negative effects of circulating LPS (lipo-polysaccharides), from the gastrointestinal tract.  These LPS molecules are elevated when the typical high-carbohydrate grain dominant meal is consumed and can lead to the development of leptin resistance.  Sadly, researchers suggest that this situation is heightened when there is a lack of saturated fat.
    Whole Grains = Intestinal Damage & Poor Absorption
    The lectins and phytates found in legumes are also found in whole grains.  In large quantities these plant defenses decrease the absorption of key nutrients and can damage the walls of the intestinal tract.  This tissue damage makes us more susceptible to immunogenic reactions and digestive issues.  Although, many will suggest that soaking and cooking will eliminate the majority of lectins and phytates from grains and legumes, many contain lectins that are resistant to heat.  Furthermore, as I outlined in the section on plant-based proteins, an 18hr soak only removes 50% of phytates.  Bran, which is the most popular fiber recommendation, contains phytates that harm iron, calcium, magnesium, and zinc absorption.
    When someone demonizes meat because of factory-farming and antibiotics, these characteristics can be changed.  We have the ability to choose or produce a higher quality and non-toxic product.  The same cannot be said for grains and legumes, as these ‘natural’ defenses are present in all varieties and can’t effectively be

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