to keep grilling him. Impatience gathered in my throat like wasps trapped in a bottle.
    When the end-of-registration bell rang, Scott made an impressive transformation from slouched teen to marathon runner. But I was right on his heels as he swerved out of the classroom door.
    ‘Seriously,’ I said, catching up to him, ‘you’d better tell me what you were doing. I don’t want you hanging around my house at night.’
    Scott swung his backpack like a barrier between us. ‘I’ve got to go to reception. If you keep following me you’ll be late to class.’
    I ignored him and kept marching.
    The corridors emptied as students disappeared into class-rooms. I followed Scott down a set of stairs. I could see the reception desk up ahead. I’d wait while he signed the late register and follow him to his next class if I had to, however late it made me with Miss Webb. This was much more important.
    But before we could get there, Scott grabbed my satchel strap, jolting me to a halt.
    He held up both hands before I could speak. ‘I’m sorry, okay? How many times do I have to say it? I was just getting something out of my car last night. That’s the truth.’
    His eyes were so sincere, almost pleading. The anger in my blood dropped to a confused fizzle.
    ‘Me and my dad are used to coming and going as we want,’ he said. ‘I didn’t think. I’ll be more careful next time so I don’t disturb you.’
    ‘Well.’ I shifted my satchel on my shoulder, unsure whether to still be mad or not. ‘Okay. But I’d rather you weren’t sneaking around at all at night. And I will call the police if your friend keeps being creepy.’
    ‘Yeah.’ His mouth twisted. He tugged at one of his white-blond spikes. ‘Seriously, none of my friends were there last night.’
    Unease prickled across my skin. ‘Well, someone was there. Right in front of your car, a minute before you got out. You can’t pretend you didn’t see him.’
    ‘But I didn’t.’ He stopped twisting his hair and dropped his hand to his side with a sigh. ‘There was no one there but me.’
    I stared at him. Oh God.
    Scott’s face was open and seemed sort of sad, like he really meant what he’d said. Worse – like he felt sorry for me.
    My hands began to tremble. I clenched them into fists to keep them still. Scott was messing with me. Okay, yes, I saw Glimpses, but he didn’t know about those, and even so, that boy last night was nothing like a Glimpse. He was fully formed, fully corporeal, fully – well – fully there.
    The corridors were completely empty now. I told myself to just walk away, but my feet wouldn’t move.
    ‘Look.’ Scott took the smallest step closer, so I could smell his aftershave. His voice lowered even further. ‘It’s okay. I know. Your dad told my dad, my dad told me . . .’
    My mouth went as dry as if he’d shoved it full of sand. ‘Told you what?’
    ‘That you had . . . issues after your mum died.’ He tapped his head. ‘Nightmares, and the like. I know the other kids gave you a hard time at your last school about it.’
    My jaw went slack with horror. ‘That’s not true,’ I whispered.
    He shrugged. ‘Okay. Well, I just wanted to let you know that I know. But it’s okay. Your secret’s safe with me.’ He smiled and stepped back. ‘I’d better go. See you later, Liz.’
    I was already late to History, but there was no way I could walk in there feeling like this. I could barely even walk, full stop.
    I staggered to the nearest toilets, locked myself in a cubicle and sank onto the closed toilet seat. My mind churned. If a brain could vomit, mine would have done.
    I couldn’t believe Dad. What had he told Crowley? Scott hadn’t mentioned my amnesia or my Glimpses outright, but if he knew I had ‘issues’ it was possible he knew everything. I covered my face with my hands. Scott had probably already told his gang. By the end of the day, it could be all over the school that the new girl was crazy.
    I unlocked the

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