Front Man 3 : Full Frontal (Part #3 of the Front Man series)

Free Front Man 3 : Full Frontal (Part #3 of the Front Man series) by Adora Bell Page A

Book: Front Man 3 : Full Frontal (Part #3 of the Front Man series) by Adora Bell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adora Bell
the TV channels, it seemed to Sara that Jack Carter
was everywhere. She tried hard to be pleased for him, but all she
could feel was anger and disappointment, mixed with confusion. She
wished she could at least get some closure. But Jack hadn’t
responded to her email, and she was too proud to go chasing after
    “Since you
mentioned Jack,” Erica said carefully, well aware that she was
on a sensitive subject, “have you heard anything from him at
Sara said mournfully. She felt herself blush. His rejection felt so
humiliating. “But I mean, what did I expect? He’s a rock
star. I’m sure he has a different chick at every hotel. It’s
my own stupid fault for thinking I was special.”
    “Shh, you are
special, dummy. He’s clearly just an idiot. I mean, he flew you
half way around the world, he must like you! I guess he just didn’t
know how to handle it. That’s men for you. The minute they get
close to something good, they freak out and screw the whole thing
    “I don’t
see Matt screwing anything up. He seems pretty devoted.” Erica
and Matt had been dating almost six months now – it was the
longest Sara had seen her best friend stick with anyone.
    “Aw, Matt’s
a big old softie. He looks after me. I guess I’ve always gone
for bad boys, but having someone who actually seems to care what I
think…well, it’s a nice change.”
    “Good for
you. You deserve it,” Sara said, trying hard to make her smile
more convincing as she raised her glass to clink against Erica’s.
    “Yours will
get here sweetie, I know it,” Erica said, taking a swig from
her glass. “In the meantime, drink up! There’s more where
this came from!”
    A few hours, a lot
of wine, and one very bad movie later, the girls were sprawled on
the carpet, leafing through a stack of glossy magazines.
    “Have you
seen what she’s wearing?” Erica squealed, pointing at a
very unflattering picture of a forty-something actress.
    “ Oh my god,
seriously? That’s terrible, does she not even have a stylist?”
Sara giggled. Between the wine and the company, she was feeling
better than she had in ages. She flicked to the next page, and felt
her heart sink a little. It was a full length black and white shot
of, who else, Jack Carter, his tight t-shirt highlighting every
ripple of his toned torso. The article focused on his ongoing search
for his missing sister, and despite herself, Sara hung on every word.
that? Let me see…oh. It’s him. Bummer.” Erica
slurred. “Wait, what’s that chick doing in the magazine?
I know her.” Erica pointed to the smaller picture, inset over
Jack’s image.
    “Erica, you
don’t know her. That’s Jack’s sister, Laura. The
one who’s missing.”
    “Bitch, she’s
not missing. I’m telling you, I saw her last week. I may not
be the smartest egg in the basket, but I never forget a face.”
    Sara had to admit
the truth of that; Erica had an uncanny knack for recognizing people
she’d met only once, and putting names to faces. They’d
always joked she’d be the perfect witness to a crime.
no way she’s still in town. I checked all the hostels, the
missing persons websites…” Sara trailed off,
    “Sorry, you
did what? You’ve been looking for this chick?”
    “Ugh, okay,
try not to yell at me…I don’t know, I was curious. I
couldn’t get in touch with Jack, I kept thinking about how sad
he looked when he was talking about her. They grew up, like, five
miles from here. So I guess I started making a few inquiries.”
    “What, you
thought you’d find his sister, Jack would take you back and
you’d all live happily ever after in a mansion somewhere?
Sorry, that sounded meaner out loud than in my head, it’s
just…that’s a pretty strange way to get over somebody.”
    “I know. I
know it was dumb, I gave the whole thing up a couple of weeks back. I
suppose I thought , if he could just get her back, then he might

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