Against a Dark Sky

Free Against a Dark Sky by Katherine Pathak

Book: Against a Dark Sky by Katherine Pathak Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katherine Pathak
                  ‘Oh, Daniel was quiet. He was an intellectual type who enjoyed playing guitar and composing songs. I’d go as far as to say he was sensitive. But he had this other side to him.’ Imelda looked up and caught Phil’s eye, as if to make sure he was following her meaning. ‘Daniel was insecure, I think. He was 27 years old but still living a student life; he didn’t own a property, have a steady girlfriend or even a permanent job. I believe he shied away from those things but at the same time knew it was what society expected of him.’ Imelda lowered her gaze once again. ‘We began a sexual relationship after a month of me being in his class. We always met at his rented flat, never on campus. I was naïve and thought I was in love with him. A couple of weeks before the course was due to finish, Daniel told me we couldn’t continue seeing one another. I was angry with him, realising I’d been used, I suppose. In the final week, after one of the lessons, I hung back. Daniel tried to pretend I wasn’t there. It made me furious. I said that I loved him and how could he turn his back on me so easily. Very calmly, he went to the classroom door and shut it. He walked slowly back towards me. Daniel took me by the arms and said, ‘if you really love me, then prove it.’’ Imelda had begun shredding the napkin. Little white feathers of paper filled the table in front of her. ‘I let him have sex with me, against the desk. But it was not pleasant. Daniel was angry and he was being very rough. I ended up with nasty bruises on my arms and thighs. At one point, he pinned me back by my hair and I had no way of getting free of him. When he had finished, Daniel released his grip on me. I ran from the room.’
                  ‘You reported the incident to the university?’
                  ‘Yes, I was in a terrible state when I returned to my dorm. One of my friends persuaded me to go to the welfare officer. She referred the case to the police.’
                  ‘But charges were never brought?’ Phil prompted.
                  Imelda smiled ruefully. ‘I consented to the sex, Sergeant Boag. There was absolutely no hope of taking things further. The police officers were very kind and they let me down gently. He got into trouble with the College, though. He left almost immediately. I don’t think Daniel even taught another lesson.’
                  ‘Did Goff have any friends, on the staff or in the surrounding area?’
                  ‘During the time we were seeing each other I don’t recall meeting any of his friends. He was involved with a local band. They were a group of musicians who played gigs in some of the city pubs. Daniel practiced with them occasionally. I’m afraid I couldn’t tell you any of their names.’
                  ‘I’m sorry to ask you this Imelda, but could you describe for me again the way in which Goff restrained you. It could be important for our current investigation.’
                  The woman thought carefully for a moment. Phil experienced a flicker of hope as Imelda unconsciously placed a protective hand at her neck.               ‘He used his body weight to keep me pinned against the desk. That was really enough. Daniel was much taller and larger than me. He grabbed at my upper arms and my thighs, sometimes digging his fingernails into my skin, which really hurt.’ She paused, seeming to be experiencing the pain all over again, squeezing her eyes tight shut. ‘Towards the end, he took hold of my ponytail with his left hand and with his right, he pressed down on my neck. That was when I thought he might actually kill me. When he was spent, he released his hold. I was able to shove him away and get out of the classroom.’
                  ‘Are you absolutely certain he held your

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