Simply Scandalous

Free Simply Scandalous by Kate Pearce

Book: Simply Scandalous by Kate Pearce Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Pearce
really are two of them. I wonder if they ever share their lovers?”
    Richard tried to move away, but Christian followed him. “Maybe you should ask Jack if he would consider it, Richard.”
    â€œI will do no such thing.”
    Christian’s smile held more than a hint of wickedness. “Why not? I’ve fucked twins before and it is quite enjoyable.”
    â€œYou are a degenerate.”
    â€œAnd you are the heir to a title, and thus above such things, I suppose?”
    Richard ignored Christian and stepped forward, his hand outstretched to shake Jack’s.
    â€œA pleasure to see you again, Mr. Lennox.”
    He turned to Violet and shook her hand too. “A pleasure.”
    Jack touched his sleeve. “Indeed, Mr. Ross. May I introduce you to my mother?”
    It took Richard but a moment to decide that whoever Sylvia Lennox was, she definitely wasn’t related to the twins. She looked far too young to be their mother. Perhaps she had agreed to give them her name in return for some favor he had yet to discover. Lord Keyes might be able to help him with that. In fact, Richard was looking forward to meeting Keyes again. He had the distinct feeling that he had been deliberately given this assignment, and that his old adversary already knew damn well who Vincent Lennox really was.
    â€œMr. Ross, I have heard so much about you.” Mrs. Lennox smiled charmingly at him, and he bent to kiss her gloved hand.
    â€œAnd yet I have heard almost nothing about you,” he countered lightly. “How can that be when your beauty demands attention?”
    She laughed, her brown eyes dancing up at him. “One’s children rarely recognize one’s attributes, do they?”
    â€œNot having any children myself, I cannot argue the point.”
    Beside Richard, Violet cleared her throat. “ Maman , I believe Lord Knowles is waiting to take you in to dinner.”
    Mrs. Lennox looked around. “Oh, so he is.”
    Richard bowed. “We shall speak more after dinner.”
    â€œIndeed, we shall.”
    Richard watched as Mrs. Lennox walked across to Philip and he held out his arm to her.
    â€œYour mother is very beautiful,” Richard said.
    â€œYes, she is.” Violet sighed. “As is yours.”
    â€œHelene isn’t my mother.”
    Violet glanced up at him. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize. Have I offended you?”
    â€œHelene is Christian’s mother. They are quite alike. We only share the same father.” He nodded at Emily, who was talking to Jack. “Emily is my full sister and I have two other half sisters who are both married.”
    â€œYour family sounds almost as complicated as mine.”
    â€œMost families are. Your mother, for example, seems rather young.”
    â€œAs does Madame Helene.”
    Richard glanced down at Violet’s composed face. She betrayed no hint of concern at his questions. A reluctant admiration twisted his gut. She had always been calm in the face of adversity.
    Richard gestured toward the door, and he and Violet followed the others into the smaller of the two dining rooms, which seated the eight of them in perfect comfort. Jack took a seat next to Emily and managed to bring a smile to her face, for which Richard was grateful. Was Emily still pining over Ambrose? It seemed likely. Richard wondered what else could have happened to make her look so preoccupied.
    The servers brought in the first course, and Richard turned to Violet with a determined smile.
    â€œAre you looking forward to your first London Season, Mr. Lennox?”
    Richard waited until Philip closed the doors before taking his seat. Emily had remained with the charming Mrs. Lennox in the drawing room, and everyone else had adjourned to Philip’s study. Philip sat behind his desk and Christian perched on the side of it. Richard had taken a seat next to Helene by the fire so that he could study the Lennox twins, who sat

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