Home Is Where the Heat Is
variety of ways.
    Claire smiled. He’d chosen the perfect reply. Then he lay down and weaved his fingers with hers to cup her breast, stroking the straining nipple. His breath tickled her ear. “Are you wet?”
    Her heart stopped. Only one other man had made her panties damp without direct contact. Were JT’s flickering licks and sweeping caresses enough to stimulate the flow? A heated drip tickled her thighs. Oh hell yes…. Or maybe his potent gaze and probing question had done it. Either way, he expected an answer. She turned her head and touched her lips to his. “I could tell you, but….”
    He laughed and slipped his hand under her skirt, dragging one long finger down the soaked satin between her legs. “Baby, you can strip for me anytime you want.”
    His mouth caught hers before she could argue, before she could list all the reasons why they couldn’t just rip each other’s clothes off. Just talking to him violated the law, but what they were doing breached ethics, morals, and a whole list of behavioral rules. Fortunately, his tongue plunged between her lips and swept away all the consequences of their intimate position.
    He hooked his finger under the satin panel and pulled it aside to stroke the hot, wet flesh underneath.
    Claire arched into his hand as molten heat ignited her body. “Holy shit!”
    JT laughed. “You’re welcome.”
    She melted onto the mattress as he kissed his way down her body, abandoning her breasts while his hands pursued other pleasures. Her skirt obstructed his path. “‘Damn it. Take it off, take it off!” She rose off the bed and he slipped his fingers behind her back to yank the zipper down. Then they wiggled her remaining clothes over her hips, leaving her naked and displayed, quivering while he stared at her.
    He sat back on his knees and fumbled with his belt while she lay on the bed. She swung one leg over his head, bent the other knee and drew it to her hip, parting her thighs as the chilly air whispered over her exposed flesh.
    “Finish what you started.” She smiled when he let go of the buckle and ran his hand down his straining zipper. Half the fun of exposing her naked body to a man was watching the effect she had on him. Of course, the other half was feeling it. She threaded her fingers through his hair and guided his mouth to her stomach. He moaned, breathing hot on her abs while his hand reclaimed her flesh.
    Her nipples ached, and she rolled one between her fingers. A rebellious fantasy flitted across her mind. JT’s hands were fully occupied with her lower body. What would it feel like to have another set—not hers, another man’s—attend to the erogenous zones above her waist? Give that some thought.
    She sought a face to fill that role. Not Will. Never Alex. Michael failed to stimulate her. Hmm… yummy IT guy? Kurt’s smile teased her thoughts while she imagined his long fingers stroking her nipples as deftly as he stroked a keyboard.
    “Fucking hell!” Claire squealed as JT planted a kiss inside her thigh. What would he think if he knew she imagined help?
    I think it makes you normal.
    He might like it.
    But before she could include JT in her fantasy, a siren whooped and red and blue lights flashed through the gap in the curtains. She rolled off the bed away from the window and hit the floor with a resounding thud. Her elbow tingled, shooting pain all the way up her arm.
    JT jumped up and threw Claire’s blouse on top of her, then darted to the window and peeked out. “There’s a cop outside, parked right in front of our room.”
    “Oh my God!” She yanked her panties and skirt into place, then searched the bed for her bra. “We’re caught!”
    “No. No, we’re not.” He stepped to the other side and stuck his head under the curtain. “There’s an ambulance pulling up.”
    Claire hooked her bra and shrugged into her blouse, falling short of the record for speed dressing when she buttoned it up crooked and had to redo it.

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