Someone Irresistible
needed a lesson in timeliness.
    “I beg your pardon, Mrs. Sinclair,” came Stella’s voice, only slightly shading her curiosity. “Professor Price is here.”
    Then, before she could respond to her maid, in he walked, all six marvelous feet of him, filling the room with his broad shoulders and commanding presence as if he belonged there, a black leather case tucked under one arm. Today he wore casual clothing, a gray linen shirt, buttoned conservatively, navy trousers, and the same work boots he’d worn yesterday. He’d also finally received a haircut, though it was still a little too long in back to be considered fashionable in the upper circles of society. But if visiting his barber had put him late for their meeting this morning, she would forgive him. He was just so terribly handsome, and the trimming did wonders for his overall appearance. Then his clear, brilliant eyes drew her attention away from everything else, and for a moment she was dumbstruck, as she typically was at the first sight of Nathan. Still, refusing to let it show, she planted a pleasant smile on her lips and nodded once to her almost-grinning maid.
    “We wish to work undisturbed, Stella,” she said a bit sternly. “We will take luncheon at one o’clock.”
    Stella’s expression went properly flat, and she curtsied slightly before offering a humble, “Yes, ma’am,” to her employer. Then she quit the room.
    Nathan stood silently, obviously waiting for her to invite him in to sit.
    “Well, Nathan,” she began through a long, exaggerated exhalation,
    “I’m so glad you could make it today.”
    “Mimi,” he drawled, eyes narrowing, “I’m so very glad I could, too.”
    His deeply smooth voice made her shiver inexplicably and, she hoped, unnoticeably. But she substituted that reaction in favor of her annoyance at his late arrival.
    Smiling pertly, she clasped her hands behind her back. “You look…
    well this morning.”
    Now a brow rose faintly. “As do you.”
    “I was rather hoping you’d be here sooner,” she pressed for detail.
    He nodded as if he expected this. “I apologize for keeping you. I had
    a scheduled breakfast with Justin Marley this morning and it ran late. I should have mentioned that yesterday when you so unexpectedly graced me with your lovely presence.”
    She wasn’t sure if that was a cutting criticism of her intrusive visit to his residence, or just a simple compliment. It was offered so blandly, however, that it made her shift uncomfortably from one foot to the other.
    “Oh, I see,” she acquiesced. “I hope your breakfast with Mr. Marley was engaging, then.”
    He tipped his head toward her. “It was, thank you.”
    He had yet to offer any word of conversation, or look around the room, and the way he was gazing at her so frankly made her a bit anxious. She wore her usual modest gray work dress, but he scanned her up and down, his eyes pausing a trifle too long at her bosom.
    For a reason unclear to her Nathan seemed overly fascinated with her breasts. His eyes strayed there every time they met, which in turn made her insides liquefy sinfully. She didn’t understand his preoccupation with them, frankly. Carter had never been so tempted by her breasts, and had actually preferred her female parts a bit below them—incessantly and sometimes deliciously, she remembered now.
    Immediately, she felt her body heat along with her maddening sexual thoughts—thoughts no lady should consider, especially in the presence of a man who was not her husband.
    “Would you care to get started, Nathan?” she asked after a firm clearing of her throat and a soft shake of her head to free her mind, ignoring the flush he surely noticed in her cheeks.
    His knowing, boyish, half-grin made her knees go weak, but thankfully he stopped staring at her at last and took his first few steps into the room, finally regarding his surroundings. With unwarranted nervousness, she followed his gaze.
    Her studio was typical of a

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