him once again. He’s grinning as if we share some kind of inside joke. At that moment, I understand that he knows. On some level, he gets how hard it is for me to leave the house looking anything less than perfect. It’s been drummed into me my whole life. My only purpose as far as my parents were concerned was to look and act the part of a Madden. I’m like some brainwashed cult member who is trying to learn to think for herself. I clear my throat before saying, “Yes, well, haters gonna hate. Bring your wallet, Mr. Decker. I think I’m going to inflict some serious damage on it.”
He gives me a lazy grin that does crazy things to my body. “I have you covered, babe.” He waves an arm toward the doorway, adding, “After you, honey.” I wonder if he has any idea what the endearments that he uses do to me? Even though I know he means nothing by them, I still feel special; like maybe, in some small way, I do matter. Right now, I need to pretend he feels more than pity for me.
T he ride to the mall is light and easy. The conversation flows and Rose seems happy and relaxed. I’m not sure what was going through her mind before we left, but I could feel the anxiety coming off her in waves when I walked into the guest room to see if she was ready to leave. She was standing only inches away, but her mind was somewhere else entirely. Sensing she might be overwhelmed by the new wardrobe, I’d done the only thing I could think of. I’d stepped in front of her and diverted her attention. Luckily, it had worked, and she appeared fine now.
When we walk through the double doors of the shopping complex, we both freeze in place. I’m not what you’d call a window shopper. Hell, I can’t remember the last time I’ve been somewhere like this. My suits are custom made, and my casual clothing comes from what I’d classify as a men’s store. They sell a little of everything, but you’re unlikely to bump elbows with a bunch of teenagers while you’re there. The scene before me looks like barely controlled chaos. I have a feeling that if one false move is made, the place will erupt into pandemonium. A glance at Rose tells me she possibly has similar fears. She obviously isn’t a chain-store woman either, but we have no choice but to make the best of it. Fuck, I’m a lawyer who handles billion-dollar mergers while sipping coffee; this is nothing. Don’t look like a pussy here. Man up.
Giving her a bright and what I hope is a relaxed smile, I take her hand in mine, not sure which of us needs it the most. “All right, sweetheart. Let’s go get you some clothes. Where should we go first?”
Her head swivels, taking in the area around us. She looks scared out of her mind. Shit. I thought this kind of thing was second nature to a woman, but I’d have to be with the one who is just as clueless as I am. “I—okay, let me think,” she stutters as she takes a step forward. Then she throws me under the bus by pushing me forward. “I’m with you so just pick one.” Well, hell.
I straighten my shoulders as if I’m going to war, and we’re off. When I spot a store with women’s dresses in the window, I think I’ve hit the jackpot. “This looks good.” I point at a nearby grouping of chairs and say, “How about you check it out while I wait out here?”
She looks horrified at my suggestion. Her eyes widen as she gapes at me. “You want me to go in there alone?” I feel as if I’ve just suggested she enter the gates of hell.
I have no idea why I feel the need to apologize, but I do it anyway. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I thought that maybe you’d be more comfortable without me.”
Then I see the fire I’m so accustomed to burning in her eyes as she gives me a tug. “Oh no, Decker, you’re not getting out of this. I know you’re paying, but you’re also shopping. I don’t have a freaking inkling as to how to do this shit.”
“Don’t you do this with Lia?” I ask. “Isn’t it something you’re