doing the things we’d planned.”
I reached for her hand and squeezed it. “I’m sorry Mom.” I wasn’t sure what else to say. I hoped nothing was really going on between Dad and that other woman. I mean, I’d heard plenty of stories about people their age, but it was hard to know with my dad because he was so quiet. I brushed it off as nonsense. My parents always got along great. Obviously it was just a misunderstanding. “Maybe try to talk to him again,” I suggested. “Salvage the rest of your time off so you can relax.”
“I’ll try.” She forced a smile, no doubt for my benefit. “So how have you been? Anything new since we talked last?”
I tried to remember when was the last time we spoke. “Got some new patients,” I said. “And I went with Val and Gen to see a psychic last weekend. Did I tell you that?”
“No. You didn’t.” She seemed to come to life again. “What’d she say?”
“She was surprisingly accurate. Not one hundred percent, but still good. I don’t know what to make of it, really. I suppose I could be reading into what she said – you know, playing right into her suggestions in a way that made it seem she’s figured it all out. But it was spooky how close she got to the truth. Oddly enough, she said you, me, and Tabby were going to take a trip together. She said it would be a life changing journey.”
My mom looked puzzled. “Huh,” she replied. The wheels seemed to be turning in her head. “Well, you never know. I’d love to take a vacation with my girls, but I hadn’t been planning anything. Life changing, huh?”
“I know. I’m not sure what she meant by that.” I paused, imagining what it would be like to go on a vacation with my mom and sister. Then the daydream morphed into a vacation fantasy with Greg. “Oh, I almost forgot. I saw the guy I like yesterday. It wasn’t a date. I just went to his house for his dad’s visit and he was home sick with the flu.”
“Awww,” my mom cooed.
“That was my reaction, at least on the inside.” I smiled. “I got to play nurse for a while though. He had a temperature so I got a cool washcloth for his forehead. Then, as I sat on the edge of his bed, he took hold of my hand.”
My mom’s face lit up. “Ooh, that’s another good sign. I’m positive he likes you. When do you see him again?”
“Not until next week. But maybe I could give his dad a call on the way home to see how he’s feeling. You know, out of professional concern.”
“That’s a good idea. Follow up.”
I got up to check the time, then turned back to my mom. “You gonna be okay?”
“I’m fine,” she said. “Don’t worry about me.”
I hugged her. “Thanks for lunch. I’ll call you tomorrow to see how you’re doing.”
She nodded. “What’s the boy’s name again? The one you like?”
“I have a good feeling about him,” she said.
I smiled. If my mom thought he was worthy, then he was. End of discussion.
After finishing with the rest of the day’s patients, I called Mr. Varo. “Hi there,” I said. “This is Sam. I just wanted to call and see if Greg is feeling any better today?”
“Well hello, Sam. I think he’s still sick, but he went to work. That’s all the boy does. He’d never missed a day in his life until this week.”
Hmm. So it was meant to be that I was there that day. “Well I figured I’d call on my way home to follow up.”
“Thanks Sam. I appreciate it. I’ll let Greg know you called. I think he’d like to know that.”
I pressed the end button and drove home. Part of me was sad Greg didn’t need my help, but part of me was happy he was well enough to leave the house. Another part of me felt disquiet over what my mom and I had discussed earlier. I didn’t like the feeling lingering in my gut.
That evening, while I napped on the sofa, I thought I heard the doorbell. I shook my head a little, disoriented. I hadn’t been getting enough rest and was in a deep sleep. I heard