The Way Home (Lights of Peril Book 2)

Free The Way Home (Lights of Peril Book 2) by A. C. Bextor

Book: The Way Home (Lights of Peril Book 2) by A. C. Bextor Read Free Book Online
Authors: A. C. Bextor
Tags: Lights of Peril
overcome with grief, after finding out I was pregnant the night the ambulance came to the house. When we fooled around all those times before, it wasn’t as if we were lovers, so holding hands wouldn’t have been natural. They are so warm, inviting, and my hand feels small in his. Not safe necessarily, but small. He’s laced his fingers in mine and is still staring at me with intention.
    “Sade, talk to me. Tell me what’s on your mind. You have something heavy weighing. Please trust me enough to tell me.”
    “Other than I’m glad to see you? Nothing. I am, ya know, so happy to see you. When Hem…well he died. You already knew he died.”
    “Yes, bug , I know. He gave himself to Warren to keep everyone he loved safe. I admire him for that. I’ve heard all about it.” His answer is quick and to the point.
    Hem and Ace didn’t always see eye to eye. Hem felt threatened by Ace and I having a friendship, hence the beating Ace took that was ordered by Hem. Although Ace may admire Hem’s actions in doing what he did for us, and I would agree that to love someone to that degree is admirable, it’s the pain those that live within his wake, that isn’t enough.
    “He did. He left me one evening after dinner and he never came back. Shame found him, found what Warren had done to him. Shame gutted Warren just one room away from where Hem lay dead. Shame said Hem was already gone when he got there. None of us here have been the same since.”
    “How did Shame know he was dead? I mean, I know Shame got there too late, but that was all I heard. How did Hem die?”
    That question strikes me not only ridiculous, but wearily odd. Why would anyone ask a widow how her husband was killed, when ultimately, he was murdered. In my mind, if someone is murdered there is no more question of how they died. They were just murdered . Going into detail about how he was killed wouldn’t add any good to the definition of his death. In my pause, Ace has let go of my hand and he’s running his hands on his jeans. He’s sweating.
    “He just knew. Hood had gotten there before Shame did. I don’t know how he knew what Shame and the others were planning. After Hood explained what happened and that Hem was already gone, Shame went nuts. You’ve seen that his temper never fares well in those situations, obviously. It took Hood, Gunner, Honor, and Raider to get Shame to leave Angels compound without Hem. In turn, Hood let Shame have Warren, he gave him that. Then Hood finished clean-up, making sure the monster was dead.”
    He grabs my hand in his again, holding my fingers tightly in his palm, “Look Sade, I’m going to just say this and you can do with it whatever you want. I’m sorry I wasn’t here when Hem left you. I know how much you love him.”
    “Loved him, Ace. I loved him. He’s gone. I’ve let him go. My life isn’t over and if Shame hears me refer to Hem as alive again, he’ll have my ass. I do love the memory of Hem, but that’s all I can love in present tense.”
    Ace’s face pales, actually loses color, at my words. I’ve never admitted anything like that out loud. Truth isn’t always easy to get out, but once it is it seems easier to believe.
    After he gathers himself again, he continues, “ I was there to witness your love for him again and again, believe me . Either way, Sadey, I should have been here for you. If you or Patrick needs anything from me, I’m here now and will do whatever I can.”
    “ Oh, don’t feel sorrow for me. I told you, I’ve let him go. He’s gone, and I’m here. I can’t walk with the dead forever, right?”
    He smiles at my gruesome retort, but he’s not convinced I’m alright. “Shame has taken Hem’s place with Patrick. Mace doesn’t have long before Ryder gets here, so I think the practice is good for Shame.”
    I’ve struck him again with my words, and with that , he releases my hand and moves away from me for the second time within just minutes of our conversation. I

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