Fighting Destiny (Forsaken Sinners MC; Book 2) (Forsaken Sinners MC Series)

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Book: Fighting Destiny (Forsaken Sinners MC; Book 2) (Forsaken Sinners MC Series) by Shelly Morgan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shelly Morgan
immediately fix my dress and run my hands through my hair. I walk over to the sink to make sure I look presentable and not like I was just fucked within an inch of my life, but on the way there, I feel wetness seep out of me and run down my inner thighs. Oh shit ! We didn’t use a condom.
    Instead of stopping at the sink, I rush into a stall to clean myself up. I cannot believe I got so caught up that I forgot to tell him to use a condom. How could I be so stupid? I’ve never been so consumed with someone, even when I was young and dumb, that I’ve forgotten to use protection. I can’t fucking believe this.
    Sitting on the toilet with my head in my hands, I hear a soft knock on the stall door. “Babe, are you okay?” He sounds so worried, but I just don’t have it in me to answer him. I need to get my head on straight before I can face him. I also need to find a way to ask if he’s clean.
    “Hello? Can you open the door so the rest of us can go to the bathroom?” A girl says loudly from outside the door, sounding irritated and bitchy. This is just what I need right now.
    Standing up, I open the door and walk past Toby to get to the door. With him right behind me and the both of us walking out of a public restroom together, they’re all going to know what just happened anyway.
    Before I reach the door to unlock it, Toby comes up beside me and wraps his arm around my shoulders. “Follow my lead,” he says before he unlocks the door.
    As soon as Toby opens the door, the arm that isn’t already around my shoulders gently reaches over and rubs my stomach. “It’s alright, Doll.” What the hell is he doing? Too embarrassed to look up at whoever is standing there waiting for us to come out, I nestle my face further into Toby and keep my eyes downcast.
    “Oh no, is she okay?” The girl asks.
    “She’s fine. I’m sorry about locking the door, I just wanted to make sure she was all right.” He sounds so sincere. It’s incredible that he’s able to make up a story so no one will know what really happened in that bathroom, and for that, I’m grateful.
    Walking past the girl, Toby quickly ushers me outside to his truck.
    “What the hell took you so long?” Dani yells as soon as she sees us walking out the door, but when she gets a good look at the way Toby still has me tucked under his arm, she rushes over and takes my hand. “Sara, what’s the matter? Are you okay?” When I don’t answer, she looks up and growls to Toby, “What did you do?”
    He releases his hold on me, but just long enough to open up the passenger side door, then takes my hand to help me into the front seat, leaving Dani to get into the back. “I didn’t do anything to her. She’s fine.” Not wanting to explain to her what really happened, I just nod and turn to give her a reassuring smile.
    “I’m just tired. Toby saw me coming out of the bathroom and walked me out.”
    Dani doesn’t question what we tell her, but she does look at me longer than necessary to try and gauge my expression. I lock everything down inside of me, willing my face not to give anything away. It must work because she just shakes her head and smiles back at me.
    “Okay, if you say so.” Just as Toby starts the truck, Dani’s phone rings. “Yeah?” She’s quiet, listening intently to whoever is talking on the other end, “Well, I’m with Toby and Sara. We just got done eating. We were going to drop her off before coming to the club.” Listening again, she waits for their reply. “Sure, we’ll be there.” She says, hanging up the phone without even saying goodbye.
    Leaning forward between the seats, she puts her hand on my shoulder. “I know you’re tired and probably just want to go home, but Mack needs me at the club now. Do you mind if we stop there real quick? I promise we won’t be long.” Her voice is laced with concern, probably because this would be the first time I would be going to the clubhouse. Though Dani has informed me of that

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