Fighting Destiny (Forsaken Sinners MC; Book 2) (Forsaken Sinners MC Series)

Free Fighting Destiny (Forsaken Sinners MC; Book 2) (Forsaken Sinners MC Series) by Shelly Morgan

Book: Fighting Destiny (Forsaken Sinners MC; Book 2) (Forsaken Sinners MC Series) by Shelly Morgan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shelly Morgan
but I can’t do that. Finally, my eyes land on her shoes; black, with a little red on the straps. They make her at least four inches taller and have me imagining her in nothing but those shoes.
    Before I know it, I’m standing in front of her without even realizing I was moving. Reaching out, I wrap my hand in the back of her hair and give it a little pull so she’s forced to look me in the eyes. “Are you trying to test me tonight? See how long I can last before I drag you in a bathroom and fuck you against the wall?” I don’t give her any time to answer before my lips are crushing against hers.
    As soon as my lips touch hers, she reaches her hands up and rubs the back of my still shaved head. I growl because it feels so fucking good when she does that.
    Wrapping her hair completely around my wrist, I give it another tug and deepen the kiss, completely dominating her mouth with my tongue, which in turn has her moaning and breathing faster. I move us backwards, hoping we hit either the table, a wall, or any fucking surface soon so I can sink inside her tight pussy.
    Her back hits the wall next to the front door first, so this will have to do.
    Unwrapping my hand from her hair, I move my hand down her face and neck, over her shoulder and stop once I reach her left breast. With my other hand, I slide it up her thigh and play with the edges of her panties. Breaking away from the kiss, my gaze roams her face until she opens her eyes and meets mine. “What do you want, Sara?” I ask, needing her to tell me that she wants this―that she needs this as much as I do.
    She takes a deep breath. “I want―” but she’s cut off by a loud knock on the door right next to us. “Yo, Sara, you ready or what?” I let out a deep sigh and release her hands from above her head, but before I let her push me away, I whisper in her ear. “This isn’t over.” Then I step back and walk over to the kitchen chair I was fixing while she pats down her hair and fixes her dress before opening the door.
    “Yeah. Toby’s just finishing up, fixing my kitchen chairs for me and then we’re ready,” she rushes out.
    Dani looks at her like she wants to question what’s going on, but one look from me, she shuts her mouth. Smart woman.
    Turning the screwdriver one last time, I finish with the last chair. Standing up, I wipe my hands on my jeans and head towards the girls. “All right, let’s get this show on the road.” I usher them out the door, check to make sure the door is locked, then follow them out to my truck. Maybe tonight will be a little more than just getting to know one another. I’m not sure I’ll be able to keep my hands to myself with her in that dress and the taste of her still on my lips.

    Dinner was awkward and tense. Well, actually, that’s the understatement of the year.
    After Dani interrupted the most erotic kiss I have ever experienced, I’ve been trying to get my heart to slow back down to normal, but every time Toby looked my way with his fuck me eyes or even spoke something as simple as a food order, it was no use. His voice alone is pure sex, but when you add that to everything else that makes up Toby, any woman within a ten-mile radius is fucked, or at least in their fantasies they are.
    By the time I take the last bite of my cheeseburger, I need to get away, if only for a moment. I need to get myself under control, otherwise I might just offer myself up as dessert. On a silver fucking platter, too.
    “I’m gonna run to the bathroom and then I’ll be ready to go.” I say to no one in particular as I push my chair out and get up.
    “All right, we’ll meet you outside,” Dani says as she makes a grab for the check, but Toby beats her to it. She offers up a glare that should have him flinching, but he only chuckles as he shakes his head.
    “I got it, Dani girl. We’ll meet you outside in a few,” he says as he stands and heads over to the counter to pay. I’d offer to pay my part of

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