Captured Devil's Blaze MC Book 1

Free Captured Devil's Blaze MC Book 1 by Jordan Marie

Book: Captured Devil's Blaze MC Book 1 by Jordan Marie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jordan Marie
sight of a man at a table across from us watching everything Skull is doing to me. I’m on fire. I need to come, but not like this. I don’t want it to be like this.
    “Skull, please…” I whimper, looking up at him and trying to turn my body away from the stranger.
    “What is it, Beth?” he asks, his voice dancing across every nerve ending in my body.
    “Take me to your room, please?” I ask him.
    He doesn’t even pause. He takes his hand away and picks me up in his arms to carry me off. I bury my face into his neck and hold on, desperate to be alone with him.

    I battle with myself. It was a risk to push her so far, but fuck it was fun. She’s so young, so untainted by the world. I can take her and make her mine completely. The idea has settled inside my brain and I can’t get rid of it. Why would I need to move on? I want to own her. I want her to be mine to do with as I want. It’s not rational, but it’s fucking real. When Torch kept looking at her, I wanted to end the motherfucker. “Mine” was the one word my brain kept repeating. I felt like a fucking caveman, and the only word I could form was… mine .
    I take her to my room, help her stand, then lock the door behind her. The silence in the room is thick, and I wait for her to tell me what’s on her mind. It doesn’t take long.
    “I’m not that person,” she whispers like she has something to be ashamed of.
    “ Qué?”
    “I’m never going to be someone who could ever be comfortable doing what we just watched,” she says, and as if she’s still seeing it, her face flushes blood red. Something about it pleases me, but I still want her to admit she liked it.
    I lean back against the door, watching her. My eyes travel up and down her body. I can still see signs of arousal in her body and her breathing, not to mention she’s having trouble meeting my eyes.
    “You enjoyed it, querida . Even now, you’re dying to come,” I tell her, crossing my arms and waiting for her to admit it to me.
    “It was…”
    “It was fucking hot as hell,” I tell her, and somehow, her face grows a darker pink.
    “If I have sex with you…” she starts.
    But I don’t let her finish. “There is no ‘if’, Beth. I’m gonna have you. Before you leave this room, I will have you over and over,” I promise her.
    “In this room,” she says, nerves making her voice shaky.
    “Do you have a problem with that?”
    “In this room, not out there,” she says, and perhaps I’m stupid, but it smacks me in the face when she tells me that.
    I push off the wall and stride over to her. She takes a step back, but I don’t let her retreat from me. I let my hand cup the side of her neck. Her gray eyes are large and I stare straight into them, so she sees that what I’m about to say to her is the truth.
    “No one will see me bringing you pleasure but me, if that’s what you want. Being with another means it must be enjoyable for both of us, mi cielo .”
    “Do you—Do you enjoy… what they did?” Beth asks. “Is that what you do?”
    “Are you asking if I like to share women? Si , I do sometimes.”
    “And in front of people?”
    “No. I like to give my partner my complete attention. I have no need for others to enjoy that with me.”
    “But, Beth, there is nothing wrong with people who need that kind of pleasure in their life.”
    “I guess. Listen, Skull, I really like you and all, but I don’t think I can do this. I don’t want it.”
    “You’re a liar. Do you want me to prove it?”
    “No, I’m really not. I’m serious. I want to be honest with you,” she says, backing away from me. Since she’s going to the bed and sitting down and not trying to leave the room, I let her.
    “I’m listening,” I prompt her when she goes quiet.
    “It was taking all of my courage to give myself to you. Until I met you, I never really thought about sex much at all. So… this is kind of new to me.”
    The jaded part in me wants to call her a

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