Hex on the Ex

Free Hex on the Ex by Rochelle Staab

Book: Hex on the Ex by Rochelle Staab Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rochelle Staab
beliefs. In this context, I assume they’re used to represent the devil. The inverted pentagram and crosses signal a killer tied to the occult, with the five completing the message.”
    “Saying what?”
    “I can’t tell yet. I have a vague sense I’ve seen this combination before, but I need to dig through some books and papers for the source,” Nick said. “Eagleton is requesting a search of the FBI files for a match, too. My sketch is rough. The killer drew each part of this symbol on Laycee’s body slowly and deliberately.”
    “He brutally attacks her then takes his time leaving a message?” I shuddered, wondering how close I came to confronting a madman. “Could the killer be someone Laycee and/or Jarret knew? Or do you think Laycee happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, like the Manson murder victims? A random killing by deranged zealots? Did you see any signs of a break-in?”
    “All valid questions, and impossible for me to answer. I didn’t stray beyond the hall and the bedroom. There were no broken windows that I saw. I’m no cop, but if it wasn’t a break-in, I assume Jarret is the primary suspect.”
    I stood and began to pace in front of Nick. “Nothing fits. What would Jarret gain by killing Laycee? Their connection was casual as far as I know.”
    “As far as you know. But he left her asleep in his house, alone. Odd.”
    “She wasn’t exactly a stranger, Nick. Jarret is addicted to his ritual morning run. If she was asleep, he probably left her alone to be considerate.”
    “He might have killed her before he left.”
    “In her sleep? Why?” I shook my head. “Jarret has his flaws, but he’s not brutal or heartless. He wouldn’t murder Laycee then go out for his morning run. He’d never leave a mark like that on her body.”
    “Then what type of killer leaves a message?”
    “Manipulative. Someone craving attention and demanding to be engaged or caught. A clue challenging the police to find him or her. Or, in a twisted way, the message could have been meant for the victim.”
    “Laycee. An interesting thought,” Nick said.
    “It’s more logical that the killer came after Jarret, found Laycee, and killed her instead.”
    “Then why not wait for Jarret to come home and kill him, too?”
    “Right. Doesn’t make sense. This symbol is the key.” I handed the sketch back to him. “You think you’ve seen it before?”
    “I do. I don’t remember where yet.” Nick folded the paper and slipped it back into his pocket. “I promised Eagleton I’d do some research and get back to him. You’ll never believe who the homicide detective in charge of the murder investigation is.”
    “Not Dave.” I cocked my head. “He can’t be, because of his connection to Jarret. Who then?”
    “Remember Carla Pratt?”
    “The detective who jailed Robin?” I dropped my head back and sighed. “You have to be kidding. Carla works the Northeast Division, not the Valley. Did she transfer?”
    “Pratt seemed less than thrilled to see me, so I didn’t inquire about her career path. When Eagleton took me intothe bedroom, she rolled her eyes and left without comment.”
    I sat at the edge of the sofa and tapped my heel on the rug. Wait until Carla learns I stopped by Jarret’s house, too. Last year, Nick and I had worked to clear Robin of a murder charge, but Carla—ambitious, stubborn, and convinced of Robin’s guilt—warned Nick and I to stay away from the case. “Carla probably took Jarret into custody already.”
    “Not unless she has probable cause to hold him,” Nick said. “Why are you fidgeting? Are you keeping something from me?”
    “Jarret phoned his agent before the police. In fact, he waited at least twenty minutes for Ira to arrive at the house before he dialed 911.”
    “Ouch. Why?”
    “Jarret’s not the greatest in emergencies?”
    “And you’re positive he didn’t—”
    “Kill Laycee? He’s not violent, Nick. Yesterday when we talked, Jarret

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